Chapter 13 A War

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MapleStar awoke to PatchClaw shaking her violently. ''OakStar demanded war at moonhigh!'' He panicked. ''Why?!'' MapleStar stood up, curling her tail tightly around ThornKit. ''He's sick of our warriors killing his clan off.'' PatchClaw sighed. ''I think our warriors will do fine.'' MapleStar nodded. By moonhigh, she stood in the clearing, hiding with the rest of her clan. Thunderclan stepped into the clearing. ''Late, like they are with everything.'' Doefeather smiled. MapleStar yowled for her clan to pounce, and they did as ordered. Thunderclan was hit by surprise, their greatest weakness. Yowls and hisses filled the clearing as the two clans were forced to battle through this struggle. MapleStar was face to face with OakStar, ''I gave you my medicine cat and now I'm putting my kit to danger for your power-hungry ways! SweetBriar and you will pay!'' She hissed, leaping on the leader. OakStar yowled and she dug her teeth into his face. He clawed at her as the two lashed their anger at each other. MapleStar tumbled backwards and OakStar slammed into her. He growled and sank his teeth into her neck. She yowled and dug into his eye. She rolled over, panting, her neck bleeding onto the ground. She hissed as he ran off to fight a other cat. She turned her head to see PatchClaw fighting wildly with Doefeather. She gasped and ran over, slamming into the she-cat. The Thunderclan deputy yowled and clawed MapleStar. PatchClaw pinned the she-cat and snarled, ''You shouldn't have started this!'' Doefeather then growled, ''You shouldn't have came to this!'' As she sliced PatchClaw's stomach with her hind legs. He yowled and tumbled over. MapleStar gasped and turned to the deputy. She snarled and sliced the she-cat's face. Doefeather yelped as MapleStar kept sliced her body. Doefeather fell to the ground as MapleStar pinned her. She growled before Nettlebreeze ran into her. ''Nettlebreeze!'' She gasped. ''I'm sorry...'' He muttered before leaping on her. MapleStar growled, ''Fine if you want a fight, you got one.'' She raked her claws down his sides as he pinned her. Meanwhile, PatchClaw was battling Sweetbriar, clawing her face. They growled and hissed as they bit and cut each other. He growled as the she bit down on his shoulder. He didn't even feel the pain at this point, it was all just blood and flesh. He took his claws and raked her face. He hissed as she bit down on his shoulder. Sweetbriar bit PatchClaw's ear, ripping it off. He growled, struggling to get free from her violently attacking her. Sweetbriar pushed him to the ground and dug into his shoulders. He yowled for it to stop, now he was helpless. MapleStar got away from Doefeather's grasp and ran over to help her mate. She rammed into Sweetbriar while PatchClaw bled on the ground. She bit Sweetbrair's ear, tearing it apart. Sweetbriar hissed, trying to get free from MapleStar. MapleStar growled, ''Scram, Thunderclan fish-brain!'' Sweetbriar snarled and ran off. PatchClaw bled on the ground. MapleStar ran over, ''No, Myler!'' She cried. MilkFur darted over and grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him from the battle. 

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