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A child, about six or seven, with raven black hair and a pair of beautiful sea-green eyes looked around. Books surrounded him, and he was amazed that there could be so many in one place.

He had, of course, been to a library before. His school required teachers to take the children every two weeks to the library at the very center of the learning facility. So he had been, and he enjoyed the books there, despite his dyslexia, but there were only so many books there that he hadn't read. Those were the books for teachers.

So you could probably imagine his surprise when his librarian had taken him to the nearest public library once the half-day was over.

"Now, I expect you to behave while you're here." His school librarian told him, even though there was no point. The boy was a good kid who had a good heart.

"Of course, ms. Tyler." He said respectfully as he grinned to the woman. Ms. Tyler was a blonde woman with brown eyes who had come from Britain. She never said why she had left her home, but the child knew she had a good reason.

"Now go enjoy yourself, Percy." The older woman said, "I need to head out. I'll see you on Monday."

The child, now named Percy, nodded.

"Ok, Ms. Tyler." He said as he smiled at her. The blonde smiled back. She ruffled his hair and left the building, knowing that Percy was responsible enough to be there on his own.

Percy heard the door close as he looked around. He started walking, not knowing where he was going. Every once and a while, a book would catch his attention, and he would read it until he either finished or was no longer attracted by it. He continued to do this until he suddenly trips on what seems like nothing.

He hissed quietly in pain. He looked to the side and noticed a small grey book. He picked the book up and looked at the front. On it was a symbol, he recognized from a video game that his classmate wouldn't stop talking about.

As far as he knew, it was about a creed of assassins, but that was all he remembered. He walked to a table and sat down and began to read it.

When he finished the book, he was inspired. Not long after, he ran home. He had a plan. A plan for freedom.

Words: 413

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