Chapter 4: Yancy Academy

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When Percy first entered Yancy Academy, he hated it. He was the new kid. He hated being the new kid. Even worse was that this was for rich brats whose parents just wanted to get rid of them. So yeah. He hated it here.

He stayed to himself because he was a kid coming in halfway through the bloody school year! I mean, come on. At least wait till the next school year began so it wouldn't be so fucking weird. Anyway, he was forced to room with the same boy we saw on the bus. The meeting was... less than happy.


Percy walked into the room and looked around. Both desks were covered in trinkets and other such things; some were taken apart or half-built. Percy would have to keep his Inventions close to him and out of this kid's reach. On the dresser were screwdrivers of different sizes, both Phillip's head, and flat. At least he could use that on his latest one. A groan snapped Percy out of his musings. The boy from the bus sat up, rubbing his head.

"Piper, it's the weekend. I'm allowed to sleep in." The elvish boy complained.

"I'm not this Piper person, but it's 2 in the afternoon," Percy told the kid. The boy looked at the unknown voice before jumping out of bed and forcefully shaking his hand.

"You must be my new roommate! You look so cool! Like you're going to some meeting or something." Percy opened his mouth to say something but never got the chance. "You're going to love it here! I'm the amazing Leo! Do you like tools? If you do, maybe we can work on something together! Oh, that would be so cool! We could do so much. I just know it!"

The boy rattled off quickly with barely even taking a breath.

"I-" the son of Athena tried to say son but was once again interrupted.

"Oh, I can't wait to prove Piper wrong! She kept saying that my roommate would never be into the same stuff that I'm into. But I just know you'll love tinkering. Oh, and welcome to Yancy Academy, the worst hell on earth. Don't tell Piper I said that. Oh, I can't wait for you to meet her! What's your name? What's your favorite thing to do? What's-"

Percy covered the kid's mouth with one hand and rubbed away his migraine with the other. Jeez, this boy just rattled off nonstop.

"Look, I'm not here for us to be friends. If it were up to me, I would still be homeschooled, but I'm not, so let's get one thing straight. I won't bother you if you don't bother me. I don't care what you do as long as I'm left out of it. You won't annoy me while I'm doing things, and you will show me around this hell hole. That's it. Got it?" Leo paled and nodded. "Good. Now I'm going to be on my bed working. Don't bother me."

"But what's your name?" Leo asked as the war goddess's son took the empty bed.

"Percy Jackson." And with that, he went to work on something just outside of Leo's sight.


The coldness Percy gave Leo would spread to everyone else. And he has given the name 'the cold prince of Yancy.' He would spend class time working on something or reading, and yet every time a teacher tried to call him out for not paying attention, he would give the right answer. Leo would show the boy around the school and even offered Percy a position to help him and this 'Piper' girl's underground candy operation.

This tempted Percy, but he wouldn't make any choices until he met this 'Piper,' so that's exactly what happened.


Leo knocked on a door across the hall from their dorm and waited patiently for the door to open. Percy kept a bored look despite his interest and curiosity, mentally killing him to see this girl. Leo looked at Percy.

"Try not to fall for her when she opens the door." Leo joked. Percy gave him a cold dead look. "Yikes. Rough crowd."

When the door opened, Percy mentally and physically powered off. The girl from the bus was there, and Percy had to admit she was quite beautiful. He came back to his senses and went back to his cold look. He held his hand out.

"I assume you're this Piper my roommate keeps talking about?" Percy asked.

When Piper had opened the door, she knew Leo would be there. What she wasn't expecting at all was the boy next to him. The cold prince himself. She had to say he was quite cute, and his eyes seemed to draw her in. They were calculating and seemed full of knowledge. And as if a riptide caught her, she was lost in the sea of his stormy gray sea-green mixed eyes. When he spoke, she was brought back to the world of the living once more.

"Um yeah. That's me. You are?" She responded.

"Percy Jackson. It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Cute and had manners. He was suddenly two times better than most boys here.

"Pleasure is all mines." She shook his hand with a small smile.

"So now that you two have met, does this mean you'll join us, Percy?" Leo butted in with a huge smile. Percy thought it over some.

"Will I be able to get things from it?" Percy asked.

"Sure. Half the time, we get money, and other times we get stuff we requested. Mainly some stuff for Leo to tinker with or answers for some homework." Piper told Percy. Percy sighed.

"Sure, I'll join your little operation," Percy told Leo.

"Yes!" Leo hugged the two with Percy tensing.

"Ok, let go of me," Percy commanded after a few seconds. Leo frowned but did as told.

"Right. You're not a hugger anyway; let's go to bed!" And with that, Leo dragged Percy back to their room. Percy got onto his bed, and silence filled the room for a bit.

"Hey, Leo."

"Yeah, roomie?"

"Consider those boundaries gone." A yell of excitement rang through the dorm halls. Percy smiled before he went back to work on something.

Words: 1056
Ok, you know it by now.

1. Doctor Who references
2. James Cantu
3. Traveling worlds

Because it's summer for me, I will be taking a week-long break to write up more chapters. I hope you all understand, but if not too bad. I've made up my mind, and it's not changing.


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