Chapter 5: bus ride

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Piper had an annoyed look on her face.

"That's it!" She snapped, turning to the cold prince next to her. "I get you like keeping to yourself, but you me and Leo are a group! That means you will talk to us and put that damn book away!"

Percy looked at her from the corner of his eye and saw she was serious. He sighed softly to himself before putting his book into his bag.

"Oh, wow. I didn't think that would work." Leo said exactly what Piper was thinking. Percy turned to his dorm mate.

"Hell hath no scorn like a woman's wrath." He quoted. Leo shrugged in agreement.

"Well, I'm happy you finally put the book away." Piper smiles at Percy. He looked and had to try his best to keep up his cold, emotionless face.

"Yeah." Percy murmured to himself. Percy leaned his head against the window, tired.

"So, what do you guys think about the new coach?" Piper asked suddenly. An eyebrow quirks as Percy heard this.

"What new coach?" Leo responded with another question.

"Coach Hedge. He appeared two weeks ago?" Piper sounded a bit confused. Percy's mind was going a mile a minute.

"What are you talking about? Coach Hedge has been here all year." Then it all clicked. The mist didn't affect her. Or at least not the same way it did with Leo or mortals.

"I have to agree with Leo. He's been here longer than me." Percy lied straight through his teeth.

"Oi cupcakes! You better quiet down back there, or I'll kick you out myself!" Said coach yelled.

Coach Hedge wore a baseball cap, a bright orange polo shirt, nylon workout pants, white Nikes, a whistle around his neck, a baseball bat, and a megaphone (Leo rigged his megaphone to blurt amusing comments and sounds when he talked into it). He is 5'0, has beady eyes, is buff, and has a wispy goatee.

"Yes, sir!" Percy yelled back.

Piper looked at Percy. His hair seemed more blonde than it was when they first met, and his eyes still seemed like a stormy ocean, but the stormy grey seemed more noticeable than before. The changes were small, but the right eye would notice it. She still thought he was cute, and she enjoyed working with him.

"Hey, roomie, what have been working on?" Leo broke Piper's chain of thought.

"It's a secret." That and a smirk was all they got. Someone else must have seen it because Leo swore he heard a dramatic gasp, but maybe it was his imagination.

The smirk left as quickly as it came. Percy looked back out the window, waiting for the bus to arrive at the museum. It felt like this ride has been going for a very long time.

And then he saw it. His worst enemy. It has killed thousands of his kind. Its beady red eyes bore into his soul, and it's legs long and covered in hair. So small but so deadly.

Now Percy's actions might have been overdramatic, but it was purely his demigod-ness that caused this. He pushed himself away from the window and into Piper.

"Percy what the hell is-" Piper started.

"S-s-sp-spider!" And with that, Piper and Leo burst out laughing.

Words: 548

Yo. The next chapter should be longer, and because pride month is pride month, tomorrow's guidebook chapter is preset. But I might end up posting later than usual because dnd is tomorrow. Either way, happy pride month y'all.


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