Chapter 3: what a strange meeting

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A young Percy, about seven years old, sighed as he looked around his small room. Well, it was tiny, but books littered the place, making it short. His eyes had a small ring of gray that contradicted his sea green. Scattered in his messy black hair was strands of blonde. He wore what looked sort of like a suit, but his white shirt had a hood that was hidden behind the vest.
If he put on the hood, he would look like an assassin from the assassin's creed. He even had some hidden blades under his sleeves.

He looked around the room for a bit before looking back up at the ceiling. He had read every book in that room three times over. And he was quite bored. Don't get him wrong. He loved living on Olympus, but he could only go out at night, and he couldn't allow himself to be seen. So excuse him if he was a little bored.

He knew why, though. Athena has told him after his first month.

"If you go outside and get spotted, they will send you away. Demigods aren't allowed to see their parents. And because you're father and you look so alike, you and he will be punished. And I don't want to lose you." She had told him. She would then make him promise not to leave her temple during the day and to hide if another god or goddess came by.

Suddenly fog began to fill the room. It was coming from what looked like a door made from the fog. Out stepped a boy who looked like a complete replica of himself. Said boy looked around the room as the fog disappeared.

"This isn't my father's palace." The strange boy spoke.

"Holy shit! How did you get into my room? Who are you? Why do you look like me?" Percy rattled off a dozen questions a minute, which gained the stranger's attention.

"One I don't know. Two I'm Fántasma and three I could ask you the same question." The strange boy told him. Percy gave him a once over. This 'Fántasma' person was wearing a gray bulletproof vest with a gray shirt underneath. He wore gray pants and black combat boots. He guessed by the way his shirt and vest were placed, he had two holsters on his back, and both of them held a gun. He made another guess by the outline of something on his leg; he had another hidden there as well.

"You wear a lot of grays," Percy commented.

"And you wear a lot of blacks," the lookalike responded quickly.

"I'm Percy Jackson."

"That's impossible."


"Because I'm Percy Jackson." This shocked all hell out of Percy.

"But you said your name was Fántasma. Which is strange because that translates into a ghost."

"It's a code name my father gave me."



"Who?" Percy was confused. There were two of him, and this other Percy said his father was Order, a name that sounded familiar, but he couldn't place where from.

"He is the brother of Chaos and helped build the multi...verse. Oh, gods, I know what happened." The strange Percy said.

"What?" Percy asked.

"I somehow ended up in your universe when I was traveling back home in mine."

"But how?"

"Father said when he moved from the home of chaos, he created a small hole in between the dimensions."

"And the fact that you're here means that the hole is still there. The fabric that holds our universes together has a hole in it!" Percy exclaimed in excitement.

"Which would explain how I got here. I must have gone through it when I was fog traveling."

"Fog traveling?" Percy questioned.

"It's a form of travel. Like mist traveling or vapor travel."

"Vapor travel?"

"It's an ancient form. You see, long ago, In Ancient Greece, children of any type of water god could turn their bodies into vapor. They would use this to go anywhere they wanted."

"How do you know this?"

"My father told me all that I needed to know."

And then a knock came from the door.

"Percy, are you alright in there? I heard some yelling." The voice of Athena came from the door. Percy jumped at this.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A friend came over." He said without a second thought. That was his downfall.

"What? Who?" Athena sounded worried at this.

"Um... my friend Fántasma. He's another demigod."

"Can I come in to meet him?"

"Uh..." he turned to Fántasma. The demi primordial held up a finger.

"Please give us a second." The son of Order spoke loudly. He then lowered his voice. "Do you have a mask or something?"

Percy nodded before grabbing a worn mask that covered the bottom half of his face. The mask had a skull imprinted on it. He grabbed some sunglasses and a gray beanie and gave it to Fántasma to put on.

Once he did, Percy opened the door.

"This is Fántasma. He came over after he finished a job for his dad." Percy said. Athena nodded and held her hand out for the other Percy to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Fántasma." The war goddess said.

"Same to you, milady." He said respectfully. "But I must go soon. My father will be mad if I'm late."

"Of course. Please get home safe." And with that, Athena left the room. Closing the door behind her.

"So, what do you call me if I ever come to your neck of the multiverse?"

"Well, given the way you dress and the fact that you have hidden blades under your sleeves, how about Dolofónos?" Fántasma offered.

"Assassin. I like it." The now code-named Dolofónos smiled.

"Great. I'll see you later, alligator."

"In a while, crocodile." The boys chuckled, and Fántasma left the same way he came.

'What a strange meeting' Percy couldn't help but think.

Words: 987
Alright, so in two more chapters, we will be going into the lightning thief. It took a bit, but hey, we are so close. I hoped y'all enjoyed it.


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