Chapter 10: Cabin Get Away

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The cabin looked like it had seen some better days. The inside was so dusty it was like no one had stepped foot in it for years. The screeching of the door, loud and spooky, only strengthen that fact, but Percy looked happy as soon as it was in sight, so Piper just went with it. The sea was colder than they thought. Only Percy seemed unaffected by it.

This had been the most fun Piper had had in a long time. Even cleaning the cabin had been fun; the funniest part was when Percy moved a chair, and a spider had been resetting underneath.

After having so much fun, they sat around a bonfire, provided by Leo, roasting some marshmallows.

"Where did you find this place, Perce?" Leo asked, munching on his marshmallow.

"My mom brought me here when I was younger," he said softly with a sad smile. Leo was about to ask more, but Piper elbowed him. Percy would share on his own time.

"It must have been wonderful," Piper said to him.

"It was." he handed Leo another marshmallow before staring at the sea. "She once told me she met my dad here, so every year 'til I was four, she would bring us here like being here made me closer with him."

Piper placed a hand onto his shoulder in understandment, Leo doing the same. All three of them had at least one parent they had never met. For her, it was her mother, who gave Piper to her dad before leaving; for Leo and Percy, it was their fathers. At one point, she felt like she had been cheated out of a family, but now she was happy with the friends she had.

After a few hours, they went to sleep. Piper and Leo got the beds, after many minutes of arguing, and Percy slept on the couch.


Thunder woke her up with a jolt. She looked over to Leo and saw smoke rising from him but passed it off as a trick of the eye. She looked over at Percy, who sat up as pale as paper.

"Hurricane!" Percy said. He got up and checked on the window locks. A knock came from the door as light filled the cabin. Leo slowly walked to the door. Another knock, this time far more urgently than the last. Leo opened the door to reveal Coach Hedge. He let himself in.

"You had no right to pull that Jackson!" Hegde yelled at Percy.

"What exactly did Percy do?" Piper asked. She was ignored.

"You were doing nothing; I had to take matters into my own hands." Percy fought the wind to close the door.

"Well, thanks to you, I need to get you to camp before it catches up to us."

"You were followed!" Percy's eyes darkened as he started pacing things.

"Your the one who thought that the three of you coming here was a good idea!"

"Yeah, and you sat there doing nothing until I did." the rain came down faster.

"What the hell are you two talking about!?" Leo yelled at the two.

"Piper could easily understand Leo's frustration at this point. They weren't being told something, and those two were talking about it right in front of them. It was like when your friends don't want to spoil a movie, so they talk super vaguely.

"We don't have time for this! You want them to go to camp, and you got it, cupcake! Let's go!" Hedge walked out, grabbing the bags near the door. Percy fostered them to follow. It was then that Piper and Leo realized that Coach Hedge had horns sticking out of his head and a pair of goat legs to boot.

Words: 623
I'm tired, so this isn't gonna be long. If one of y'all is having trouble with son of Order, please let me know. I got a comment saying it came up blank, but when I checked, it seemed normal.

Anyway, these are your choices for this weeks guidebook chapter:

1. James Cantu
2. Doctor who references
3. Chaos's and Order's powers
4. Only a little

As always, choose wisely.


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