Chapter 2: what happened next part 2

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Athena was a war goddess. She was the god of the strategic side of a war. Of cunning to trick your enemy. So it came to no surprise that when she looked down from Olympus and found a child making a strategy almost as complex as the Trojan horse, she thought he was hers. Sadly the sea-green eyes and black hair said otherwise.

It would continue to baffle her how a son of the sea scum that is Poseidon (sorry Athena's words not mine) was as smart if not smarter than her children. So she did what any sane god or goddess would. She decided that she was going to raise the boy and spite Poseidon while doing so. Yes. That's something all the gods would do. I mean, it's not a bad idea, but don't get too attached to the kid. And so she took action.


Percy rested against the wall as he tried to catch his breath. Another child about the same as he leaned on the wall, huffing and puffing. The child's hair and eyes were a brown color, although his eyes had flecks of green in them. He wore a short-sleeved green hoodie and some jeans that got torn around the knees.

"Holy shit, those monsters were hard to lose." The young boy huffed.

"You're telling me. Geez, why won't they just leave us alone!" Percy complained. Hey, he was like, what six? Seven? Give the poor kid a break.

"I don't know, Perce. I don't know." The boy responded.

"Thanks for saving my skin back there, Adam."

"Anytime dude." Yes, this young man is Adam Rose. As of right now, he is an unknown and unclaimed demigod and would, later on, be one of Percy's best friends and allies. But this isn't his story sadly.

Percy smiled at him.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to California?" Adam asked the sea child.

"Very. I'm meeting someone in Boston, and I need to be there." Percy responded.

"Ok, kid," Adam smirked.

"You're only a few months older than me!" Percy said, aggravated, making Adam chuckle. Adam ruffles Percy's hair before they head their separate ways.

"Don't get yourself killed!" Adam had yelled from a distance.

"I make no promises!" Percy yelled back.


Percy made it to Boston. Ok, so I lied in the last chapter. He just didn't meet the person he was supposed to. Instead, he meets a woman whose face is beautiful and majestic but also somewhat scary, the way a warrior goddess should look, her stormy grey eyes are bright and "full of fierce energy." Her hair was a brownish blonde color.

"Are you the one ms Taylor told me about?" Percy asked as they were in a cutoff area, not many knew about.

"Yes, I am. My name is Athena." The woman spoke.

"Like the goddess? You do look a lot like her from the pictures I've seen." Percy deducted.

"You're very observant. Yes, I'm the goddess Athena, and I would like to raise you on Olympus."

"Great, let's go!" And so they left but not long after a blue police box warps into existence in the same spot. A man steps out.

"Alright, kid, where want to go..." he looked around and found no child.

"Well, Rose won't be happy." The British man said. "And I'm not staying for that."

He goes back into his box that was smaller on the outside, and with that, they disappeared the same way they came. No one questioned the strange noise it made.


Back with preteen Percy. The girl and boy from before were talking to him. Well, more like they were talking to each other but would be super happy if Percy would join in. But a last Percy was rooted in the memories from the past.

I hoped y'all enjoyed it. Today is the last day to choose the next chapter of the son of guide book
(Just wanted to let y'all know with all of this a/n included is 666. Funny huh)

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