(01) he keeps his hands pinned down at his sides

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Stepping out of the front door with only a few minutes to get to school on time, Jenna ran over to her best friend's car that was conveniently parked outside her house.

Josh had always drove Jenna to and from school, seeing as they had the advantage of being each other's neighbours.

"What did you do last night?" Josh asked Jenna with a smile as he started the car up.

"Well, I went to this huge party where there were heaps of famous rock legends. I danced all night with Axl Rose and Dave Grohl, and then came home in a gold limo" Jenna smiled, putting her seat belt on. "How about you?"

"I took Taylor out for dinner at a really fancy restaurant. We then went to an awesome movie premiere and met some of our fans" Josh answered, before chuckling. "You know, the usual."

"I learned All The Small Things on the drums" Jenna shrugged, explaining in a lower voice what she had actually done last night. "Though, you probably heard all that."

"Practiced the guitar and made a few mix tapes" Josh answered, smiling over at Jenna. "Yep. It woke me up! Can't complain, though. It's Blink."

- - -

Once Hayley and Josh had arrived at school, they walked along the grass that lead to the block where their lockers were.

Looking around, Jenna couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows at the sight of Taylor driving into the school.

Jenna wasn't jealous of Taylor, in fact she never really thought much of her considering they'd barely spoken to each other.

There was just something about Taylor that Jenna didn't like. What really bugged Jenna was that Josh spent way too much time thinking about Amber.

Josh liked Taylor - a lot - and it was probably a bit too obvious at times. Jenna didn't think he'd ever have a chance - seeing as Taylor probably didn't even know he existed.

"You have to get over Taylor some day" Jenna looked over to Josh with a sigh. "You know that, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Josh frowned, shaking his head. "She's pretty and... Well, I bet she's nice once you get to know her."

"You don't even know that much about her. Besides, I know for a fact that the majority of guys at this school want to get with her" Jenna explained, feeling bad as Josh looked hurt by her words. "Look, what I'm saying is that you have a lot of competition. You'd get... Trampled!"

"Ugh, what's that supposed to mean?" Josh raised an eyebrow, stopping still after Jenna had. Facing the blonde, he folded his arms.

"This is what I mean" Jenna smiled, looking over at Taylor who was making her way over to the block.

Taylor parked her car in the same place she always had - if anyone ever dared to park in her spot, she'd make damn sure they'd never cross her like that again.

Think of the typical popular girl you see in movies - cliche, mean and wearing more hair spray in a day than the typical person would use in their lifetime - well, that was Taylor.

Once Taylor had stepped out of her car and made an entrance, a large group of people moved apart to clear a space for her to walk, which was a daily occurrence.

Everyone smiled and greeted Taylor, which she ignored in return, causing Jenna to shake her head disapprovingly.

Josh was in complete awe on the other hand, as he watched Taylor walk. He always thought she was perfect but today she looked better than ever.

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