(11) i'll try to kiss you if you let me

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Josh and Taylor sat silently in a classical-music playing fancy restaurant, waiting to be served.

Taylor smiled to herself, lifting her leg up as she placed her foot on Josh's crotch.

Looking up with his mouth agape, Josh's eyes widened at Taylor's movements. He liked it, but in a restaurant? Maybe not the best place for it.

"Ready?" The waiter asked the pair at the table, who seemed to be a couple.

Having been concentrating on something else, Taylor jumped in her seat and accidentally kicked Josh in the crotch, followed by the table.

The waiter raised an eyebrow but didn't pay too much attention to what the pair were doing. He didn't want to know what the couple were up to under the tablecloth.

"Yes" Taylor nodded, looking up at the waiter as she nervously spoke. "Is the sea bass vegetarian?"

"It... It is a fish" The waiter informed Taylor, watching as she rolled her eyes in response.

Josh burried his head in his hand, using his other to hold onto where he was hurting. He whimpered in pain, causing the waiter to sigh.

"You know what, I'll have something else" Taylor sighed, skimming over the menu. "I'll get the house salad with Italian vinaigrette on the side, as well as a bottle of water. That's only if it's in a bottle. One of those pretty red ones, y'know? And if not I guess I'll have a Pellegrino - and if so, in a glass and not a bottle."

Taking down notes, the waiter nodded as Taylor rambled on. "Okay. And for you, sir?"

"Ice" Josh groaned, still with his head down.

"How would you like it?" The waiter asked, feeling bad for Josh. "Crushed, right?"

"Most definitely" Josh nodded and sighed, looking up at Taylor with an angry face.

Looking at Josh as she frowned, Taylor scooted closer forward to him. "Ouch, that's gotta hurt."

"You think?" Josh answered, wiping away the water around his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Taylor apologised, while not being able to help but smile.

Running a hand through Josh's hair, Taylor was hoping the affection would distract the guy.

"It's fine" Josh shrugged, knowing he felt far from it. He just didn't want Taylor to obsess over it.

"Here, let me rub it better" Taylor's smile grew, as Josh nodded and let her do so.

While Josh was having a rather great time with Taylor, Jenna felt iffy about even turning up to the beach party that Alex had asked her to come to.

There was a nice fire going and music playing, which created a good atmosphere. However, Alex was nowhere in sight.

"It's a great party, hey, Jenna?" Amy asked the girl beside her, despite barely knowing her.

Not getting a chance to answer Amy, Jenna laughed at the sight of Andrew and another football guy pulling their pants down and showing their butts.

"Hey, check it out!" a guy laughed, pointing to the two guys in front of him. "It's a full moon tonight, girls!"

"You're gonna just have to get used to it, Jen" Amy shrugged, biting her lip. "They do the most stupid shit all the time."

Jenna had already had a few beers and god only knows how much the girls had drank.

"Sally, that outfit is banging" Jenna smiled, pointing to the clothes Sally had on.

Sally was wearing a flowy black singlet, shorts and vans with a few chokers around her neck.

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