(09) you only get what you give

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Pacing around behind the stage, Josh was nervous to sing for the first time for a crowd.

Sure, Josh sang in the shower and he'd sang at band practice around Jack and Zack but no one else had heard him sing before. Not even Jenna, unless he was messing around.

Alex and Josh figured that when Alex was finished introducing himself, Josh would then play guitar and sing while Alex pretended to play guitar and lipsynced. Taking a deep breath, he didn't know what he got himself into.

"Oh thank god you turned up, I signed us up for after Alex and Jenna play" Jack and Zack appeared backstage.

"What?! No... I'm doing this for Alex" Josh sighed. Once he noticed how hurt the guys looked, he shook his head. "I mean I'd love to play for real with you both, I really would... It's just... This is the last time I'll be helping him, okay?"

"Are you kidding me?! We've practiced so hard and saved up so much for the god damn equipment we use and you're throwing it away for Alex? I thought you'd know better" Zack shook his head.

"Why don't you sing really badly and just play the guitar like usual" Jack suggested. "I mean, we're pissed at you but if you do that you can stay in the band. If you play well for him, everyone'll love the way he sounds. Not the way you sound. Plus, we'll kick you outta the band."

"Fine, fine... Only because the band - and you guys - mean more to me than Taylor ever could" Josh nodded. "Hold on... Why don't one of you two sing?"

"I dibs not singing!" Zack answered quickly, laughing quietly.

"Fine, fine. What song did you agree on?" Jack asked, moving the microphone stand to the right of Josh so they had space to perform behind the curtain.

"You Get What You Give" Josh answered, setting the guitar and amp up.

"Hey everyone, my name's Alex and uh, this is Jenna. Today we'll be singing a duet" Alex smiled out to the crowd and then to Jenna who was beside him.

Alex was incredibly nervous but knew he wouldn't have to worry about stuffing up so much as Josh had it all under control. Well, so he thought.

"Wake up kids
We've got the dreamer's disease
Age 14 we got you down on your knees
So polite, you're busy still saying please
Frenemies, who when you're down ain't your friend"

Jenna Alex sang the whole song together, making it easier for Jack as his voice wasn't the main attention as Jenna's voice was pretty powerful.

Josh played the song easily on his guitar, as it was one of his and Jenna's favourites.

Needless to say, Josh wished it was him on stage singing and playing guitar with Jenna instead of Alex.

Once the pair had left the stage, there were a few minutes to spare before Josh, Jack and Zack were to play.

The trio hadn't even ever thought of a band name or any of their own songs - yet. They'd never played in front of anyone but what they'd just done didn't seem as nerve racking for them as they'd thought it'd be.

Walking out onto the stage, Josh looked out to the crowd of around two hundred teenagers.

Josh gulped, feeling uneasy about singing in front of so many people. It was too late now and there was no turning back.

From this point on Josh's main focus was impressing Jenna. Even though he spotted Taylor in the crowd, he'd have to worry about that later.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Josh, this here is Jack and to my right is Zack" Josh introduced the guys to the crowd.

Taylor looked far from pleased about Josh's performance, purely because Jack and Zack were nobodies to her. She decided to walk over to Alex and Jenna.

"I got bored at home" Taylor sighed, looking over at Alex. "He said he was busy but he didn't tell me he'd be here with those two."

"You should've heard Alex sing, he was so great!" Jenna grinned. "Then again I suppose you've heard him before."

"Since when can you sing, Alex?" Taylor scoffed before letting out a laugh. "You're joking, right?"

"It was only because I was singing with Jenna" Alex shrugged. "Shut up Taylor. I want to hear Josh's band."

Alex was nervous - what if Josh sang the same as he did just before? Everyone would know Alex was lip syncing! He still didn't know it was actually Jack singing, not Josh.

Jenna on the other hand was actually pretty excited to hear Josh sing for the first time. She couldn't lie, he looked good up on stage and so did Jack and Zack.

"Here's some Offspring for you, sing along if you know the lyrics!" Jack spoke to the audience, followed by a count in from Zack.

"You know it's kind of hard
Just to get along today.
Our subject isn't cool,
But he fakes it anyway.
He may not have a clue;
And he may not have style.
But everything he lacks
Well he makes up in denial"

Josh grinned out to the crowd, happy about how much the audience seemed to like his performance as well as Jack and Zack's.

Taylor's sour face didn't last long and she eventually smiled, calling out 'the lead singer is my boyfriend!'.

Needless to say, Jenna felt a pinch of jealousy. Alex hadn't complimented Jenna in any form. Not that she cared any other time. It was just... Different with Alex.

Heading over to where Alex, Amber and Jenna were after packing away their equipment, Josh turned to Jack and Zack. "Hey guys, maybe you should go check out some other dates we could play here?"

"Sure" Jack nodded reluctantly, knowing Josh actually wanted them to go because he knew Alex and Taylor didn't like the pair.

"Thanks guys, I'll see you a bit later" Josh nodded, continuing his walk over to Taylor.

Sighing out of relief, Taylor was glad Josh got rid of his loser friends - or who she thought were losers, anyway. Being seen with Jack and Zack would hurt her reputation too much.

"Hey, Josh! Who knew you had such a voice!" Jenna smiled, her arm linked with Alex's as he touched her leg.

Josh stood around the circle table next to Taylor and tensed at the sight of Alex and Jenna on the opposite side being so close.

Not knowing if he could get used to watching Josh and Alex so closely, Josh knew he needed to hurry up before things turned bad. "Uh, thanks."

"Your voice is sooo hot" Taylor smirked, placing her hand around Josh's neck.

"Thanks" Josh smiled with a nod. He wasn't in the mood to be affectionate at the moment.

"Hey, how about Jenna's voice? It was so good. And the way you jumped around on stage babe you owned it" Alex smiled, turning to give a cold look at Josh.

Alex knew that it definitely wasn't Josh singing for him. Whoever sang didn't sound too bad but he had a feeling it was Jack or Zack.

If it was either of the two and people from school found out, he'd be more than embarrassed.

Alex wouldn't care that people found out he lip synced - just the sheer fact that it was one of the two guys was enough.

"Well, ah... I think we'll just head home now" Josh shrugged, sculling down the rest of his soft drink.

Jenna tried to finish her own drink quickly but Alex was being pretty impatient.

"Wait, why don't I just drop Jenna home? We're neighbours, after all" Josh suggested, Taylor Amber to roll her eyes.

"Dude, you're forgetting someone!" Alex shook his head.

"Oh, right. I'll take you home then, Taylor" Josh nodded, biting his lip.

Jenna smiled and waved goodbye to Josh but he didn't bother returning it. He didn't bother doing anything right now, his main concern was getting Taylor home and hurrying home to talk to Jenna before she went to bed.

Josh was missing the amount of time they spent together...

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