(04) don't wait this night's almost over

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"Why not?" Alex raised his eyebrow, questioning Taylor as he drove the girl home.

"As far as I can see, there is nothing special about this Josh guy" Taylor sighed, turning her head to face her cousin.

"He said the same thing about you" Alex smiled, briefly looking to Taylor with a smug grin before focusing on the road again.

"He did not!" Taylor huffed, tying her long hair into a bun.

Taylor couldn't believe someone would have the nerve to say that she wasn't special - she was the most popular person in the school for a reason.

"It's just one date!" Alex tried reasoning with his cousin, knowing she'd eventually agree to come with him.

"Uh, one date? I don't even know the guy" Taylor shook hear head. "Besides, he isn't my type."

"Well you're not his type either" Alex laughed quietly while giving a shrug. "You never know... You could show him how perfect you think you are. After all, he doesn't think you're close to it."

Alex was lying - of course Josh thought that Taylor was everything he ever wanted.

The only way to get Taylor with Josh was to lie like he was, so that the girl would think that he was a tougher guy.

Besides, getting Taylor worked up about the 'mean' things Josh has supposedly said would leave her thinking about him more and more.

Result is that Taylor ends up liking Josh, or so Alex thought, anyway.

"You really want me to come? I mean is this some kind of joke?" Taylor questioned her cousin - it was all a little out of the blue.

"Of course not! What I'm saying is that he's a really chill guy. He's funny and um... Uh... Look, he isn't as bad as you think" Alex explained, before sighing. "Trust me."

"Ugh. Fine. This match maker crap better work or else I'll make sure Jenna never dates you" Taylor groaned, opening the door of Alex's convertible once he was parked in front of her home.

"I'll pick you up in an hour" Alex called out before driving off.

- - -

Looking through her wardrobe, Jenna searched among her endless amount of band tees and jeans.

Jenna was so unsure on what to wear. It was never this way - she'd usually only need a few minutes tops to get dressed and do her hair and makeup.

Josh on the other hand was on the phone with Jack, anxious about the amount of time he had left to get ready.

Sure, an hour was a long time but Josh wanted to impress Taylor a lot.

"So remember to be careful. Don't do anything Zack and I would do" Jack sighed, wishing it was him going on a date instead of sitting around the TV with Zack all night.

"Like what?" Josh questioned, taking his shoes off.

"Like putting your foot in your mouth and embarrassing yourself" Jack shrugged, eating some popcorn he had made.

"Yeah, well apparently she'll dig me if I act like an asshole so I'm going to have a hard time. I need to prepare some things to say" Josh explained in a panicked tone. "I need to get ready..."

"So?" Jack asked. He was bored as anything and wanted both Jenna and Josh over, like they usually would be.

"Goodbye Jack" Josh laughed. He then hung up, placing his phone on his desk.

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