(12) i've been doing just fine

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Walking into the library at school, Josh had been trying to find Alex all lunch break. He didn't think it would be likely that Alex would frequent a learning centre but it was worth the try.

Josh needed to talk to Alex about Taylor and how he was having second thoughts about her.

"Hey, Alex, you got a moment?" Josh walked up to a table where Alex and Andrew were talking, just after they had finished a football meeting.

"Oh, Josh... Uh, sorry mate, I've gotta go" Alex shrugged, placing a hand on Josh's shoulder. "Having some good old quality time with the Dougs."

"Right" Josh nodded, looking at the fake rose in Alex's hand. Wow, is that dedication or what? "So how is she doing?"

"Well, slowly but surely, she's getting there" Alex answered, tapping Josh's shoulder before starting to walk off.

"Wait a sec" Josh called out, as Alex turned around. "What's that meant to mean?"

"You did pretty well, Josh" Alex gave a smug grin, turning back as he headed off. "I've got it from here."

Getting up from his seat, Andrew punched Josh's arm jokingly, which actually hurt pretty bad. "Don't worry about it, he'll treat her just right."

- - -

After school, Josh went to the local arcade. Although instead of having Jack, Zack or Jenna with him, he was all alone.

It didn't feel great. The old times sure did, when they'd all go bowling and then win each other prizes with the tokens they got from all of the games. This was just shitty.

Josh figured it was no fun being alone and headed back home, where he did nothing for the rest of the afternoon but lay and stare at his ceiling in thought.

Hearing his mum walk into his room, Josh sat up and gave her a small smile.

"Josh, darling, what do you think of these costumes I made?" Josh's mother asked, holding a lobster costume and a pickle costume up.

Josh raised an eyebrow and sighed, not paying much attention. It wasn't like him to do that, though.

"It's for the preschool, they're doing a play. I saw Jenna setting it up yesterday" Josh's mother shrugged, placing the costumes on Josh's bed as she sat on it. She realised his facial expression only saddened at the sound of Jenna's name. "Do you need help? Someone to talk to?"

"No..." Josh trailed off before biting his lip in thought. "Something I've got to fix myself, I'm afraid."

"Well anyway, where is Jenna?" Josh's mum asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you'd both usually know each other's every move."

"So did I" Josh answered, furrowing his eyebrows as his mum stood up and pointed to the costumes.

"You can help me make more of these if that'll help you take your mind off of things?" The woman suggested as Josh shook his head in response, lying back down to sleep.

- - -

Taylor picked up a slice of her cake, wanting to feed it to Josh. Holding his hand up to push the fork away, Taylor frowned and placed the fork down.

"Can we talk?" Josh asked, fiddling with his napkin. He felt like the pair needed to sort something out.

"We have been. For like, the whole time we've been here" Taylor tilted her head, taking the slice of cake and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Right" Josh sighed, turning to see a waitress walk over to the table the pair were at.

Taylor had requested that Josh take her to a cafe, for a date. Well, what he thought was a date. Waving the waitress over, she sighed.

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