(07) you define everything i've ever known

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"So remind me why I'm in a hospital looking after old folks on a Friday afternoon?" Alex asked Josh, looking around as he pinched his nose. "Why does it smell so bad?"

"You want her to fall for you, right?" Josh asked, rolling his eyes at Alex's comments.

"Well of course I do but not like this!" Alex sighed, looking down at the food prepared for the elderly woman he was helping out. "This better be worth it" Alex groaned.

"It will be!" Josh nodded. "Trust me."

Alex was volunteering for the aged facility in town, where Jenna spent some of her afternoons.

Josh knew Jenna would be there so he set them up as if Alex would 'accidentally' bump into her.

Picking up the cake from the elderly lady's tray of afternoon tea, Alex began to eat it without thinking she'd need it once she woke up.

Josh quickly walked over, shaking his head. "What are you doing?!"

"I didn't think she'd actually eat it" Alex shrugged.

"Jenna will be here any minute now" Josh explained, turning around to go incase Jenna saw the pair together.

"Wait a sec, after I tell her the speech and if she happens to like it, what do I do next?" Alex asked, grabbing a hold of Josh's shoulder.

"Talk to her nicely. Ask her how her day was and tell her that you really like her" Josh suggested with a shrug.

An elderly man in the bed beside the elderly woman's sat up with a smile. "Drive her home?"

"Okay, okay I'll figure something out" Alex nodded, taking the plate of cake once Josh had walked out.

Josh then ran back in, waving his arms. "She's coming, she's coming! Put the cake down. Now!"

Alex rolled his eyes, looking around for a place to put the remaining cake and the plate it was on. He then opened a cupboard drawer and dropped it into there.

Josh hid behind the elderly man's curtain, turning to smile as a nice gesture.

"Could you maybe empty this out for me?" The elderly man asked, waving his bed pan around at Josh.

"No! Sorry, but god no... I'm only here to visit" Josh whispered, hoping Jenna wasn't around yet to hear.

Alex was patting the elderly woman's hair, not knowing what else he could possibly do. He then pulled her blanket higher up, trying to look busy.

"Alex?" Jenna wandered over to someone who was volunteering. Once they turned around, it was indeed Alex and Jenna was surprised.

"You volunteer here?" Alex asked with a smile, acting casual.

"Yeah. What're you doing here?" Jenna answered, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, well, you see... I enjoy coming here occasionally... I-I like to visit and help the sick and the old- I mean elderly people" Alex tried to remember the answer Josh had told him to say after going through it a few times earlier in the afternoon. He folded his arms as Jenna had been quiet. "You think that's... Too soft? Too gay?"

"No!" Jenna shook her head. "Why would I think that? I think it's really great for you to do something like this."

The elderly woman sat up once Jenna had woken her. Jenna knew that she'd need to eat based on her medication and conditions, so she wondered why Alex hadn't done it already however she decided against mentioning it.

"Well uh, it's just what I like doing" Alex nodded, watching as Jenna had walked away.

"Did you eat my cake, young man?" The elderly woman asked, looking over to Alex.

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