(02) they laugh as if they planned it

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"You're kidding" Jack shook his head, walking out of the classroom he'd just had class in.

"I'm being dead serious. Yesterday he made the offer" Josh explained, shrugging with a smile. "I couldn't resist it."

"This is as impossible as Steve Buscemi and Candice Swanepoel... Or Chad Kroger and Kate Upton. If you think it'll work, though, why not give it a try... I suppose" Jack shrugged, patting Josh's back.

"Are we telling Jenna about this?" Zack asked Josh, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Josh shook his head, speaking as if it was an obvious answer to an obvious question. "No way."

"Rightio, here comes Alex... We better get going" Jack grabbed Zack by his sleeve, hurrying off quickly.

"Hey, come with me. I'll show you just how easy it is for you to start making normal friends, okay?" Alex explained, walking Josh over to a group of students. "Girls, this is Josh. Josh, these are some of my friends."

"Hey Josh" the girls smiled, playing with their hair as their eyes lit up. "So nice to meet you."

"And it's lovely to meet you all too" Josh nodded with a grin, before quickly closing his mouth at the sight of their boyfriends - most of who were footballers who he'd seen in the change room.

Gosh, what a bad memory - Josh furrowed his eyebrows as the images began flooding back into his head. Trying to relax, the male shook out of his thoughts.

"Hey guys, this is Josh" Alex introduced the unfamiliar guy to even more people.

Josh wasn't even sure what made him different to his usual self when he was with Alex - did being in the presence of someone popular mean that others would think you were popular?

It didn't make sense to Josh but he wasn't complaining, either - all of this was easier than making small talk and meeting people like normal.

"Ya comin' to the party tonight at Taylor's? It'll be a big one" A random guy asked Josh, shaking his hand with a friendly smile.

"Uh, for sure" Josh nodded, after getting a reassuring nod from Alex - so, basically permission.

"See? How easy was that. Now they'll be talking all about you and the word will spread, so you'll be known in no time" Alex shrugged, tapping his chin. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, it's time for you to help me. Make sure Jenna comes with you tonight, alright?"

"Yeah, sure" Josh nodded with a small shrug. Didn't sound too hard. "Anything else we should talk about?"

"Oh yeah, be rude to Amber" Alex advised, speaking flatly. He wasn't joking, much to Josh's surprise.

"Be rude? I don't follow..." Josh furrowed his eyebrows, trailing off.

Alex walked with Josh to the library, where the pair had a study period. Perfect time to brew their plans to win the girls over.

"You know that every guy in this school sucks up to her and freaks out if she speaks to them. Why not stand out from the pack and be different?" Alex suggested, giving a small shrug. "All you need to do is ignore her at times, tell her her hair looks better a different way, things like that. Show some affection but at the same time don't be real sweet to her."

"I see... Well, I'm afraid you've got to do the opposite to be with Jenna. I'm talking affection and poems. Basically, you have to show interest in her and you'll have to like the same things as she does. Should I tell you a few important things?" Josh asked the male beside him as they walked into the school's library.

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