(06) oh there she goes so beautiful

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"Well, you're all seniors and you're all graduating in what, 5 weeks?" Mr Wentz began yet another boring lecture about health. "It's time to talk about-"

"Se-" a footballer began to call out before the teacher stopped him from finishing his word.

"Death! Death, Timmy. Death" Mr Wentz sighed, shaking his head. "I mean waste your time thinkin' like that if you want but right now we'll be talking all about death."

'Get me out of here. Someone, anyone, please for Pete's sake can I just go home and sleep. I promise I'll get home earlier next time and sleep longer if I can please just go home' Josh thought to himself. That was until Alex tapped his shoulder from behind Josh's seat and to the right.

"So, uh, how'd I go last night?" Alex asked, wiggling his eyebrows. He was eager to know what Jenna was thinking about him.

"Well, you seemed to go okay I guess" Josh nodded, swirling his pencil through his fingers. "She says she doesn't know if you 'have heart', so you may want to work on that."

"Heart?!" Alex yelled unintentionally, feeling like Jenna was being harsh.

"Yes, that's right, Alex. Cardiovascular disease is a disease that kills many people" Mr Wentz nodded. "You should answer more often!"

"Being a good boy, Alex?" A fellow footballer joked, causing a few laughs from around the classroom but earning a kick in the back of his seat from Alex.

Before Josh and Alex could finish their conversation, the bell had began to ring. Not that Josh was complaining, seeing as he was hungry for lunch.

"Well, Amber doesn't think you're masculine enough" Alex shrugged, letting out a complete lie.

"Oh really? She actually said that?" Josh sighed, packing away his books.

That comment came as a surprise to
Josh seeing as it came from the girl who said he looked cute in a One Direction t-shirt.

"Why don't you play football with me and some of the team after school?" Alex suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Will Taylor be there?" Josh smiled, hoping he could show her how 'masculine' he could be.

"Der, shit for brains. Why else would I invite you?" Alex shook his head. "Man, I'm sorry, But yes, she'll be there and she'll be watching. She always likes to watch the football 'cause she's into fit guys and her friends like it to watch too. So, y'know, you coming with me or not?"

"Heck yeah, if it's touch football, I'm in" Josh nodded, watching as Alex began to walk off. "Wait a sec, is everything okay with Taylor? I mean, she's different to what I thought she'd be like."

Alex nodded, although he knew full well that it was tackle football they'd be playing. "What on Earth are you on about? You're hanging out with your dream girl and you're telling me you don't like her?"

"I mean the finger suck was good, spew shower wasn't" Josh explained, shaking his head.

"Uh... Welll... That's only because she was nervous. I've noticed that she's nervous around someone she likes a ton" Alex lied, although Josh was eating into the guy's hand.

Walking out of the classroom, Alex and Josh nodded at each other as they went their separate ways.

Alex headed to the school's oval for football practice, probably where Taylor was doing cheer practice also.

Josh decided to sit under the tree where he usually would with Jenna and the guys.

"Long time no see" Zack joked, raising an eyebrow as Josh sat down.

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