(05) you wear those shoes and i will wear that dress

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Taylor, Josh, Jenna and Alex had just arrived and began walking through the carnival.

Jenna and Taylor were quiet and bored while Josh and Alex were coming up with conversation starters that weren't working.

"Are you thirsty?" Alex turned to Jenna, taking his wallet out of his pocket.

"Yeah, actually. I am" Jenna nodded in response, smiling at what she was assuming to be an offer.

Passing Jenna a ten dollar note, Alex smiled and nodded. "Can you get me one too?"

Seeing Jenna reach for the note, Josh shook his head. Had Alex forgotten everything that he had told him to do? "No, no. He's only joking. I'll help with the drinks."

"Jenna, why don't you get to know Taylor?" Alex suggested, before walking off with Josh.

Alex was a little annoyed about having to go but he understood that Josh knew best when it came to Jenna.

Standing awkwardly, Jenna and Taylor exchanged small smiles.

"This is horrible" Taylor sighed, looking down at her feet.

"I guess..." Jenna bit her lip, trying to get along with Taylor.

No matter how hard she would try, Jenna didn't think she'd ever be able to be friends with the girl.

Filling the drinks up and placing the lids on, Josh turned to Alex with a concerned look. "Listen, I'm dying over there!"

"Oh, c'mon! I've told you this before. You've got to piss her off, it's not that hard!" Alex explained, drinking the lemonade as they made their way back to the girls. "Tell her she smells or something."

"Oh, no. No way. I'm not doing that" Josh shook his head, feeling clueless at this point.

"Well, I'm telling Jenna she needs a nose job" Alex shrugged. Noticing Josh's face drop, he began to laugh. "I'm just pulling your chain, man. What should I actually say?"

"Number one thing you need to remember is to be nice! Tell her she looks pretty..." Josh trailed off, before he gave a nod. "Tell her you like her top. It's new, so she'll like that."

"Sounds good" Alex nodded, mentally taking note. "Tell Taylor that her butt looks big, that'll get her going."

Reaching the area to where the girls were waiting, both Alex and Josh pretended as if they were talking about football.

"So uh, that game, huh?" Alex shrugged, drinking his drink again to act casual. "Such a nail biter."

"Yeah, wow. Got me on the edge of my seat, it did" Josh announced, causing Jenna to laugh quietly.

"Josh, what would you know? You don't watch the football" Jenna shook her head, turning to Taylor as they both cracked up into laughter.

"I was, uh... I was joking" Josh lied, shrugging as he tried not to run away in embarrassment. He had a feeling the night would go downhill from here.

"That's so adorable! You're trying to cover up the fact that you were wrong" Taylor smiled, causing Jenna to laugh yet again.

Josh had just about enough of it, wanting Taylor to be humiliated so she knew how he felt. "Taylor, I don't mean to be rude, but... Wow! Your butt looks massive in those jeans. And, they're kinda ugly."

Alex smiled over at Josh, giving him a nod. He was finally learning how to get Taylor.

Taylor would be hurt by Josh's comment for a few minutes, however Alex knew she would soon get over it, she was that type of person.

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