(08) you're falling hard i push away

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Taking the acoustic guitar off of it's stand, Josh walked outside of his room and out to his balcony to play a song.

Josh hadn't been playing as much guitar lately, no where near as much as he used to.

After seeing the chemistry between Jenna and Alex that he never thought would exist, Josh felt like letting his emotions out through strumming a song.

Jenna opened the door to head out to her balcony as she looked over at Josh. Shaking her head, she half-smiled. "I should be mad at you right now."

"Mad? How so?" Josh asked, raising an eyebrow as he placed his guitar down on his lap. Did she find out?

"Mad because you made me like Alex!" Jenna laughed quietly. "I'm falling for him."

"Oh. I see" Josh nodded, the colour draining out of his face as he looked down at his guitar.

"It's funny how he acts like a complete asshole at school. Like, y'know, he acts tough because he's popular. However he's actually really sweet under all that" Jenna explained, folding her arms. "He has such a big heart."

"So... You're okay with him?" Josh asked, although he knew full well what the answer would be.

Jenna nodded and flashed a grin as she sat down on her hammock. "I still remember when we'd sit outside on our balconies and you'd play me a song while I say along."

Josh smiled, strumming the intro of Mr Brightside by The Killers.

"I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all

It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss" Jenna began singing along, tapping her foot along to the song.

Josh had never heard Jenna sing properly, she'd usually only joke around in the car. Well, it was the same with him. He'd never actually sung properly, he only sort of messed around.

"You should sing karaoke at the gig we're going to tomorrow" Josh suggested with a smile.

"So should you" Jenna replied. "I mean, you're a legend with guitars and I bet you can sing, too."

"Too bad I have plans with Taylor" Josh shrugged, placing his guitar to the side.

"Oh" Jenna nodded, looking down at her leg that was swaying off of the hammock. "Some other time?"

"Some other time" Josh smiled, heading back into his room after Jenna had gone into her own.

To say that the pair's interaction didn't end awkwardly would be an understatement.

- - -

Parking in front of Taylor's house, Josh waited for the girl to come outside. Tapping his fingers on the wheel, he made a beat and tapped his foot along to Dammit by Blink-182.

Taylor finally came outside ten minutes later, getting into Josh's car. Took her long enough.

"This is going to be so fun" Taylor smiled. "I know a great place we can hang out at."

"Sounds good" Josh nodded, starting his car up. He didn't feel so excited about the date.

In fact, Josh's date with Taylor was beginning to feel more like it was a chore, something the guy wanted to get over and done with.

Josh couldn't place a finger on why he didn't feel as attracted to Taylor as he used to be.

Was it because of the girl's personality? Was it because he was jealous of Alex being with Jenna?

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