(03) two quarters and a heart down

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"What's up with Jenna? She left me this soul quiz in my locker, I have no idea what to write!" Alex sighed, looking down at the paper in his hands. "Is she always like this?"

Alex had stopped Josh in a corridor in the school, stopping the guy as if there was an emergency.

Josh figured that if Alex had to act like a gentleman, it would be an emergency - he was going to need a lot of help.

"No, she just isn't sure if you're her type. I'll tell you all the answers but first we need to fix this Taylor problem - she hates me!" Josh looked over at Tay, the brunette's beauty radiating as she strolled past the guys.

Taylor simply rolled her eyes at the sight of Josh and continued to talk to her friends.

"Tay doesn't hate you, she's just confused. She wants to act like she doesn't care what you do when really it's driving her nuts! She obviously won't be able to stop thinking about you. We have this under control, there's no need to worry!" Alex shook his head, walking to the library with Josh. "Let's fill this thing out - we need to make sure I look good."

"Okay... So I'll write down the answers and you can copy them onto the paper she has given you" Josh decided, walking alongside Alex. "You made two spelling mistakes on the serviette you used to write a love note. We have to make you seem intelligent, remember?"

It had to look good for Josh's reputation, having Alex strolling around with him. At least, that's what he kept telling himself.

"Alright, alright. Go ahead. Answer it like you would" Alex rolled his eyes, with a nod.

"Last book you read? Favourite movies? Boy, this is easy" Josh wrote down the answers, turning to Alex. "Make sure you read over it a few times in case she asks you about it, okay?"

"Sure" Alex nodded once more, scratching the back of his neck. "We could do a double date tonight?"

"Sounds good" Josh smiled, hoping Alex could convince Tay to give him at least a minute of her time. A night's worth would be a miracle but much appreciated. "Well I've gotta go, I'll see you around."

"Later" Alex looked down at the paper, sighing at the answers. 'Favourite movie: Love Actually?', the male read in his head. He'd seen it the movie, but it wasn't exactly on his top 10 - or 100, for that movie.

Josh walked out of the library to sit in his usual lunch spot with his friends. He hadn't told them about Alex's proposition yet - how could he? Jenna could not find out about this.

"Hey guys" Josh greeted his friends, joining their circle on the grass.

"Hey Josh, what took you so long? Lunch is nearly over" Jack shook his head - Josh was never late for lunch.

"Just caught up with my buddy Alex" Josh shrugged. "Hey Jenna, if he does well in the soul test he wants to know if we can go on a double date?"

"You'd really have to convince me on that one" Jenna let out a laugh, thinking that Josh was only half serious.

"Alright then. Just give it a think" Josh gave s shrug, before continuing. "It's not like you'd be alone with the guy."

"Exactly. You'll have Josh there in case it actually is all that bad" Jack shrugged, agreeing with Josh.

Jack had no chance with the ladies of his high school and neither did Zack. Somehow, Alex had run into luck with Taylor.

Now that Jenna had the chance to date as well, Jack realised that he didn't want the group to always stay single if they had the chance not to be.

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