(10) right back at it again

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Walking through the entrance of their school, Taylor held Josh's hand proudly.

Some students thought Josh was a new student while others just couldn't believe what they were seeing - this caused staring, whispering and the start of rumours.

Saturday night was a disaster. As soon as the karaoke was done and Josh had dropped Taylor off at her house, he didn't stay long.

After thinking about the gig, Josh remembered how hard he'd been trying to get Taylor's attention.

Now that he finally got said attention, Josh figured he should just suck it up and realise that Jenna is his best friend and that it only matters whether she's happy or not.

Josh grinned as he walked along with Taylor. He didn't really care what anyone was thinking or saying, because he now had a girlfriend - his first girlfriend.

Getting quite a few greetings from different people around school, as well as handshakes, Josh felt cool for the first time ever.

Pulling Josh's hand closer to her body, Taylor smiled and looked up at the male while leaning closer to his face. "I'm so excited for tonight."

Tilting his head, Josh nodded and rolled his eyes. Heading off to class, he spotted Alex and Jenna walking hand-in-hand, Jenna laughing at something Alex had told her.

Josh couldn't help but feel a ping of jealousy and turned away as he thought it was wrong to feel that way.

- - -

Walking into the cafeteria, Zack and Jack followed Josh. Josh was slightly worried about how the rest of the football players and cheerleaders would take it.

"So, what're we doing this afternoon?" Jack asked, looking over at Josh and Zack.

"Hey guys, why don't we go bowling?" Zack suggested, as Jack nodded in agreement.

"Heck yeah!" Josh nodded, all for it. Approaching the table, he smiled. "Hey guys."

"Hey new school" Alex looked up from feeding Jenna a hot chip. Usually she hated that amount of 'affection' - yet she hadn't really minded with Alex.

"What's up, women?" Zack waved to the cheerleaders at the table, raising an eyebrow.

The girls rolled their eyes and continued their conversations leaning Zack to sink down in his sit.

"You're kicking with those geeks?" Andrew, a friend of Alex's asked Josh as the girl beside him laughed.

"They're not geeks, why would you say that?" Josh asked, slightly hurt by Andrew's comment.

Zack and Jack sighed, wondering why Josh would even bother - if he defended the pair for too long, he would eventually lose his chance with Taylor.

Talking over the top of Josh, Taylor chewed on a celery stick and spoke loudly. "Hey, is anyong doing anything exciting tonight? 'Cause I'm totally free."

Josh's jaw dropped, shaking his head. "Taylor, c'mon... We-"

"I saw those two geeks waving at you when we got to school this morning" Taylor shrugged, taking a sip of her Diet Coke. "Please."

"These two?" Josh pulled his hands out of his pockets, pointing to the males beside him. "No way!"

Andrew turned to face Josh, leaning to him. "Uh, mate, you're with them... Like right now."

"Yeah" Josh shrugged, stuffing his hands back into his jean pockets. "But we're all with everyone, right?"

Alex looked up at Josh, shaking his head. Did Josh never listen to Alex's advice?

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