Chapter 8

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So what if Robin found that photo on her bed?

She doesn't care if she's seen with James Potter. He's a good person, and at this point she is willing to do anything to get away from her friends. So it seemed all the stars were falling into place for her.

She walked up to Gryffindor Towet to talk to James about her 'problem' , knowing that she had barely any chances of getting in. After all, she didn't know the password and she was most certainly not welcome, so she just sat outside the entrance to the common room waiting for someone to come. It must have been an hour before the portrait opended and revealed a person who most certainly did not want to see her.

"Now what is Robin White doing out here?" she looked up at the person who must've been her enemy standing above her.

"Looking for someone. Could you help?" she said as innocently as possible twirling her hair with one finger and biting her lip. He was rather handsome, but he wasn't her type. She always got a gay vibe from him anyway.

"And who would you be looking for?"

"None of your damn-" she stopped herself before she insulted the only person who could help. Taking a deep breath and putting a forced smile on her face, she continued. "Someone in Gryffindor."

He opened his mouth to say something probably along the lines of 'Well go find them yourself', but before he could speak he was interrupted by none other than Remus Lupin.

"What are you doing here? Finding some muggle borns to hate on?"

"Oh so are you going to regroup the whole gang or can you just let me in?"

"Why?" asked Remus, clearly enjoying his moment.

"Why do you care and why can't you just let me in?"


"Shut up Black!"

"Who do you want to see?" Remus asked

"I think she wants to see me." Said none other than James Potter. And for once in his life, he was right. "I'll tell you guys later."

The boys stared at Robin and James in shock as he took her by the waist and helped get into the common room.

And she was grateful for helping her out of a sticky situation and she was almost sorry about what she was going to say next, because she knew that, no matter what, it would hurt him and his whole reputation much more than it hurt her.

"I think we got caught."

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