Chapter 32

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(Sorry for the slow and late updates, currently having trouble writing this story, but don't worry, it's still going strong)

(Also I'm reading all the comments and you guys crack me up keep leaving comments like those they make my day)

January fifteenth.

Three weeks after Christmas, yet, as she wandered the halls, Robin couldn't rid her mind of the present she had received from James. Perhaps, to him, it wasn't much, but to her it meant the world.

Her mind being occupied as it was, she didn't notice the first year standing in front of her until it was too late. The young boy had fallen over, sending his books toppling over in the process.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Robin gathered his items and helped him up. "I was distracted."

"Are you Robin White?" he squeaked, his voice almost a whisper.

"Yes, that's me."

"James Potter wants you to meet him in Professor Mcgonagall's office." And with that, he scuttled of with his items.

Confused and nervous, Robin headed there in a rush, awaiting another overdramatic situation that the Marauders constantly put her in.


"This is insanity!" James looked almost offended. He seemed ready to cause a scene, but Robin interrupted him, knowing it wasn't in his best interests to act childish in front of Minerva Mcgonagall.

"A first year told me I was needed here?" She asked shyly, taking a seat in front of the professor's desk.

"No, you are not, Miss White, but I will not deny you the right to calm down your friend." she said calmly, face unreadable, though Robin swore she could see traces of amusement.

"We didn't break any rules, you can check if you want. There's nothing you can do!" Sirius leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"I refuse to let you boys off on a technicality!" Mcgonagall exclaimed, a sudden burst of anger hitting her, but she cleared her throat and excused herself quietly.

"What exactly happened?" Robin asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"These four thought it would be a good idea to wander off into the corridors at one in the morning, waking up three professors and angering Filch to no end." she stated coldly, and Robin couldn't help but notice the pride in James' eyes. "However, they seem to think they can elude punishment."

"That's only because we didn't break any rules!" Sirius exclaimed, slamming his fists against the desk, but retreating after Minerva gave him a withering glare.

"The rulebook clearly states 'no students out of bed after ten'." Remus continued, and Robin was surprised to see him participating in their debate, considering he was more level-headed, though not less capable.

"And we were not out of bed." James finished smugly, sending a wink in Robin's direction.

"Hang on, I don't understand what's going on here." Robin raised an eyebrow in unimpressed skepticism.

"What's going on is that these boys used a levitation charm on their beds and flew around the castle like lunatics." Minerva scowled, clearly unimpressed, though amused, by their antics. Robin had to suppress a laugh.

"They stayed in their beds all night and... floated out of their rooms?" Robin questioned, desperately trying to keep a straight face. James caught her struggle and grinned.

"See, Kitten? We didn't break any rules. Can we leave, now?"

"No, you cannot. Detention, tomorrow, in my office. I would advise you not to be late." Minerva replied.

"This is injustice! We didn't break any rules! We will take this up with Dumbledore."

"I would invite you to, but he would have the same response. You invaded Filch's personal space and destroyed some of his items. He's not going to rest until you are given some form of punishment, and as your head of house, that's up to me."

"That was an accident!" James countered.

"Accident or not, you must be held accountable for your actions." Minerva stated, dismissing them. As soon as they were outside of the office, Robin couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter.

"You really are the most idiotic boys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."


The next morning, Robin woke up feeling particularly fed up. Despite her happy mood the previous day, she felt irritable and uncomfortable, though perhaps it was just lack of sleep.

Even though Christmas had long passed, she kept up the decorations to make her dorm feel less empty, and also as a reminder that now, she wasn't alone. This morning, the thought did not cheer her up.

She stumbled into the Great Hall for Saturday breakfast, blatantly ignoring Hogwarts policies by taking a seat at the Gryffindor table.

"'Morning." Remus greeted, receiving no response. "Well, you're in a foul mood."

"No shit." she replied feeling James' arm wrap around her waist.

"What happened?" He asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Nothing," she sighed, "Just tired."

But her mood did not get any better. By the time lunch came by, she had punched Severus Snape in the nose, called a Ravenclaw that had run into her a fat git, and made her potion explode. Yet again, she found herself at the Gryffindor table, but this time a third year came and interrupted she and the Marauders' conversation.

"Er-- Hello, excuse me, James." she said shyly. "My friend dared me to come over here and ask you out, cause you see-"

"Do they not know?" Robin cut her off, "Does nobody know? You've got to be kidding. I screw up once and the whole school knows, but any good news dies out. Pathetic." she spat, climbing up onto the table and dismissing the third year with a wave of her hand.

"Alright, listen up-- Yeah, sit your fat arses down."

"Miss White!" Professor Mcgonagall scolded.

"Just a minute, professor." she replied dismissively, "So in case any of you don't know-- Oi, James come up here," She pulled him up by the arm and continued, "James Potter and I are dating so don't come up here and ask him out. And if you don't believe me..." she grabbed his tie and briefly smashed his lips onto hers. As they separated, another thought crossed her mind. "Oh, and, while I'm up here, Remus and Sirius, when will you two get together we've been waiting forever!"

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