Chapter 11

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Robin was tired of playing games. She wasn't particularly interested in James Potter, although, she must admit, she had been thinking about him a lot that week. About what would happen at Hogsmeade, on their...

Was it a date?

Robin huffed. She had hated him for so long, despised him for his perfect life and his perfect friends. He had despised her for doing what it took to stay alive in Slytherin. How could

She knew she couldn't help but admire his courage, his qualities, but every time she thought about that she thought about the things that she didn't like about him. His pride, how stubborn he was. And she never forgot how he bullied Slytherins. Still, she hesitated. She was persuaded that, if it were to work, then it would be effortless. That's what the countless books and romances she had witnessed had taught her.

Of course, she had had her own experiences with romances, but they all went up in flames. She always overthought things, always pushed aside her own feelings for the most logical solution.

Not today.

She pulled on a warm woolen jumper and some jeans and pushed logic aside, running through the castle halls to make it in time for their... Meeting.

The walls seemed to be suffocating her, and every person that passed taunting her, saying the words she didn't dare to think.
It won't work
He's lying to you
He doesn't like you
She almost screamed and rushed faster than she had ever gone, falling in a trick step, but somehow getting out, she made it outside in the snow and honestly couldn't be happier. Her date seemed to notice that (though it was hard not to).

"You seem particularly happy."

"Oh, trust me, I'm not." She said, still grinning like a maniac.

"If you say so," He rolled his eyes at her but smiled.

"Are you sure you want to be seen with me in public?" she teased, but genuine concern lay behind her words.

"Truth or not?"

"Whichever you think I'll want to hear."

"Yes, I'm sure and I think you look amazing." he nodded confidently

"And the truth?"

"No. I'm not sure."

"So you lied about me looking amazing?" she gave him her best fake sad look, and he laughed.

"You know you're terrible at acting?"

"Oh, I'm better than you think."

"Oh really? Prove it then."

She laughed at his words, "You'll regret saying that."

"You're just shy-"

"Au voleur ! Au voleur ! À l'assassin ! Au meurtrier ! Justice, juste-ciel, je suis perdu ! Je suis assassiné ! On m'a coupé la gorge, on m'a dérobé mon argent !" *

"Oh my god shut up! What the hell is that?"

"Qui peut-c'être ? Qu'est-t-il devenu ? Où est-il ? Où se cache-t-il ? Que peut je faire pour le retrouver?" **

"I believe you, you can stop now!" he laughed and clamped a hand over her mouth.

And that is how Robin White turned worry into nothing but ridicule and laughter. Just forget it's there.

*Thief !  Thief !  To the assassin!  To the murderer!  Justice, fair heavens, I'm lost!  I'm murdered!  They cut my throat, they stole my money!

**Who can it be?  What has become of him?  Where is he ?  Where is he hiding?  What can I do to find it?

Both are passages of the French comedic play "Avare" by Molière.

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