Chapter 34

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The date was February 12th, when Robin sauntered over to the Gryffindor table, feeling confident and excited to share some good news with the group. However, as she made it over, she realised that only Peter and Remus were there, chatting and getting on as usual.

"Where are Sirius and James?" she questioned, taking a seat.

"That's it? No 'Hello Peter', 'How are you Peter'," Peter shook his head in mock disbelief, "I'm very disappointed."

Remus rolled his eyes at Peter, a small smile playing on his lips."They're getting some extra practice in before the big game against Ravenclaw this afternoon."

"Okay, because I have some great news to share." she grinned from ear to ear. "I'm the new quidditch commentator!"

"That's great!" Peter smiled.

"Yeah, though I feel bad for Mcgonagall," Remus smirked, "she'll have to censor you a lot."

"Oh, boo hoo." she rolled her pretty blue eyes, causing small chuckles to erupt from the two sitting across from her.

"I just can't wait to see how distracted James will be." Peter said.

"One galleon says he falls off his broom." Remus leaned back in his chair.

"You're on." Peter declared.


"Don't forget to speak into the megaphone." Mcgonagall concluded her small explanation on what Robin had to do. "The teams will be joining us soon, so get ready."

Robin nodded. She felt a little bit nervous, but what's the worst that could happen? Besides her completely embarrassing herself because of her total lack of quidditch knowledge, of course. This was a bad idea.

It was too late to turn back now, because the teams were already making their way onto the pitch, so Robin picked up the megaphone and started speaking.

"And here come the Ravenclaws-- smart, calculated, very proud though. Oh my gosh did Davies actually make the team? Is this a joke?"

"Miss White!"

"Sorry professor. Oh and here are the Gryffindors. Potter's looking rather nice in his robes. Oi, James! I got the job!" James grinned in return with a sly wink and a rare blush, "Did Black really put his hair in a manbun or are my eyes deceiving me? Wait-- is that my elastic? Sirius you little-"

"Miss White."

"Yes, I get it." Robin waved her off, "And Potter starts with the quaffle, narrowly dodges a stray bludger-- Sirius, do your job right for once-- passes to Scott. Scott zooms past the Ravenclaws and-- oh wow that's violent-- she gets hit by Nott's bludger. Quaffle goes to Davies. Who knew he was actually good at something other than having his head stuck up his arse-"

"Miss White!"

"Only kidding professor! Davies passes to Dean who drops it. Wait, Diana Dean is a Ravenclaw chaser? Oi, Dean, you bitch, we have some talking to do! Not surprised she dropped it, though, she isn't good at anything, certainly not being a decent person-"

"Miss White!"

"Right. Quidditch. Potter gets the round thing. Right, quaffle! James -- you can do it, love-- watch out, bludger coming your way. I said watch out! Oh, for fucks sake, Prewett, can you not try to kill my boyfriend?"


"Sorry professor! Potter somehow survives and Sirius sends a bludger towards Davies. It hits him in the nose! Yes, Sirius! Davies, you deserve it you little prick."

"Miss White, please refrain from insulting the players!"

"Of course, professor, I was only kidding. James still has the quaffle, zooms past the Prewetts and scores! Yes! I knew you could do it you magnificent-"

"Miss White, please stop flirting with Mister Potter!"

"I was just congratulating him! Anyway, Davies seems very determined, flies past the Gryffindor team and drops the quaffle. Big fail. But Bones, the genius that she is, picks up the quaffle and scores! So glad Ravenclaw has at least one talented player."

This goes on for another half hour. Robin feels herself tiring but still continues, making sure to not let the cheery tone slip. She was absolutely hell-bent on getting Gryffindor to win or she wouldn't hear the end of it for days.

"Another Gryffindor goal! Potter's on fire today! Is it me? Is my presence gracing you with the powers of a professional quidditch player?" she saw James laugh. "Anyway, Scott passes to Bell, Bell passes to Potter, back to Bell-- Nice teamwork there-- it seems that Lightwood, the Gryffindor seeker, has spotted the snitch because she's diving-- but Travis, the Ravenclaw seeker, follows shortly after. They're neck and neck, though Travis' family is rich, he likely has a better broom so great playing to Lightwood! Travis is almost there, just an inch closer than Lightwood and he reaches... SIRIUS BLACK KNOCKS HIM OFF HIS BROOM, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SHOT-- Lightwood gets the snitch! GRYFFINDOR WINS 300 TO 140!"

Over the commotion, she barely heard Peter yelling out. "REMUS LUPIN YOU OWE ME A GALLEON!"

Robin dropped the megaphone and ran down towards the pitch, kicking past the Ravenclaw seeker who had been knocked off his broom and practically jumped into James' arms, squealing.

"How did I do?" she grinned excitedly and grinned.

"You were brilliant! Never had such entertaining commentary. I almost dropped the quaffle five times 'cause I was trying not to laugh."

"I'm glad someone actually made it interesting, because Quidditch is boring as hell!" she exclaimed, stretching out her arms after having sat down for so long.

"Are we not going to talk about the fact that literally knocked the seeker off his broom?" Sirius interrupted.

"Oh my god, that was hilarious!" she burst out laughing, "And so violent. Why is Quidditch so violent?"

"You should see the matches against Slytherin. There hasn't been a single one without foul play."

"Hey! That's my house you're shit talking!"

"Sorry," he chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist. Silence ensued.

"Well?" she questioned "What are we waiting for? We have a party to attend!"

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