Chapter 18

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James wasn't particularly happy. He knew he would have to talk to Robin, and he wanted to. He wanted to explain everything he said to her. But does that mean he had to do it now? In the middle of a double session of potions? He sighed and took his seat next to the brunette.

"You don't seem very happy." she stated, emotionless. She wouldn't look him in the eye, and she was clearly upset herself.

"No wonder." He muttered to himself.

"Well you can deal with that later. Right now we have to work." She turned towards him, looked him straight in the eye, pretending nothing had ever hapened. That they were just two strangers. Maybe that was what they needed.

"Well I would work, but this girl I like is ignoring me." he stated, smirking slightly, knowing that those workeds would anger her and she would talk to him and Adress their problems.

"I am not ignoring you. I am talking to you. I would just like to forget about yesterday please. Especially because of the pictures in the Great Hall..." she trailed off. He knew what she was talking about. He grimaced at the thought of those photos of them together up for display.

"Well maybe we can forget about it."


"Well we could just act as if none of this happened. As if there was no fight, no pictures, no dancing in the rain. We could start over."

"Like a blank slate?"

"Yes, exactly."

She contemplated this for a little bit. Merlin knows it would be hard to forget, but he wanted to give it a try. Anything to save him from his own thoughts.

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Perfect. Now, were you paying attention when old Sluggy was talking about the potion we're going to make?"

She laughed a bit. "Yes. We'll make Amortentia."

"Amortentia? Child's play. We can get this done in no time, love."

"I sure hope so because this is a complicated potion and I don't was to mess this up."

"Okay. Do you have a frog toe?"

"Urgh. Why are potions so disgusting? Isn't this supposed to be a love potion?"

"No. It's supposed to be a nuclear bomb. What do you think?"

"Ha ha ha. Very funny."

And just like that, troubles were forgotten. People were forgiven, hatred was lost and potions class just got a lot more interesting.

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