Chapter 27

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James looked over shyly at the figure next to him. The way he saw it, if she didn't see him looking at her, it was a win-win. But he could tell she saw him out of the corner of her eye. The corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, which was a tell-tale sign.

His friends were nowhere to be seen, as if they tried to get the two to be alone together.

"They really wanted us to be alone together, huh?" Robin asked nervously, voicing his thoughts. James smiled, an idea suddenly popping into his mind.

"Well if they insist on it, why not leave the Three Broomsticks and have some fun?" he was grinning wildly, watching her cheeks redden as he made the realisation that what he said wasn't exactly giving her the right idea, as the smile dropped of his face.

"Don't worry, I know you didn't mean that." Robin laughed whole-heartedly.

"Well in that case, let's get to Zonko's. We have some things to pick up for what I have in mind."


"What do you think?" James asked, holding two small objects in his palms. "Stink bomb or invisibility potion?"

"Well, if you're looking for invisibility, why don't we use my cloak?" Robin suggested, taking the potion out of his hand and placing it gently back on the display shelf. "What are we going to do with it anyway?" she propped her elbows on top of a table, almost knocking off a vial of misty bright green liquid. James grinned as he picked it up.

"I definitely have an idea." He told her, looking her right in the eye. His eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel that she had almost forgotten about. They were everchanging and completely mesmerising. She looked away shyly.

"What's that?" she asked, sounding a lot better than she was feeling.

"This, love, is a spirit."

"What?" "You plan on releasing a spirit in the middle of Hogsmeade?" she asked incredulously. Spirits weren't something to be taken lightly. Although the ones at Hogwarts were friendly, the vast majority were thieves and criminals who had unfinished business on earth.

"Not an actual ghost, if that's what you're suggesting. Think of it as a mini, temporary poltergeist." he said, finding her surprise slightly amusing. "He causes some reasonable trouble on whoever we want, but disappears after, say... Ten minutes?"

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Would I have suggested it if I wasn't?" he countered.

"Fair point." she looked out the window of the shop and found her eyes wander to a familiar trio of boys. "Those gits! They really think we wouldn't find them?" she banged a fist on the table, causing it to tremble, knocking over a few items. James calmingly put his hand on her arm.

"Well, if they're here... We might as well test our mini ghost."


Robin was sure that, while hanging out with the boys, she would get in some kind of trouble. In anticipation, she had hastily stuffed the invisibility cloak in her handbag so she could escape.

She and James her had squeezed together under it so they could be covered. His shoulder was pressed to hers and breath was tickling the side of her neck. She was very tempted to kiss him right then and there, but she wasn't a Gryffindor like him. She was cold and calculated, not brash and reckless.

Get your head back in the game!

She snapped herself out of it and switched her attention to the small vial in her hand. It was pear shaped, and she could see the mist inside swirling, as if it was alive and very ready to burst out. Nervousness dried out her throat and she was trembling slightly. She had never done something as devious as this, and she had never been so close to James Potter.

"You okay?" He asked her, his eyes flickering with worry.

Of course he noticed. Their faces were two inches apart. If he hadn't noticed how nervous she was, he must've been blind.

"Fine. But I think it's time to mess around a bit." she replied, mustering a broad grin. He bought onto it, and they started following Peter, Sirius and Remus around the corner of the street.

James stuck his hand out of the cloak for a split second, opening the jar, and muttered a couple of words. The green wisp slipped out of the jar and into the open air. It became a small, shimmering, humanoid figure, unnoticeable, had she not known it was there.

Suddenly, the bag that Remus was holding dropped to the ground as a snowball hit his back. He looked around but saw nothing. Peter's eyes widened as his hair was pulled. Sirius was laughing uncontrolably, until he was pushed into the snow. A nearby tap shot open and the stream of water bent at an unnatural angle and sprayed them all, causing them to shiver. Peter tried to run, but his laces were tied together without him noticing and he fell face first in the snow, which luckily cushioned his fall. The wisp suddenly took a real, ghost like form that looked somewhat like Peeves, with his big eyes and wide grin. He then disappeared, the mist that formed him dispersing into the cold winter air.

Remus automatically realised that someone must have set that spirit out to wreak havoc and his eyes scanned the area, looking for James and Robin. The latter decided to risk getting mauled by an angry trio of boys and shook off the cloak, leaving James covered but her out in the open air. She grinned at him and winked, before getting back under the cloak and grabbing James' wrist and running as fast as her legs could carry her.

She heard rushed footsteps from behind her and angry voices, yelling and threatening them. This served only as a motivator for her and she gripped James' wrist so tight that he let out a small squeak of pain, that went unheard by the boys.

They finally found an area uncovered by the thin layer of snow and rushed through a maze of streets, causing the boys to lose their trail.

She and James had managed to find their way into a deserted alleyway and she dropped his wrist. He pulled off the cloak, leaving it discarded on the ground. They were both grinning and heaving heavily.

"That was amazing." Robin said, and James grin seemed to widen, as though it were possible at that point.

"Mmhmm" James hummed.

The two were only a couple of inches away from each other, but since Robin was feeling so brave, she stepped closer to him, so their noses were touching. The grin dropped off his face. His gaze dropped down to her lips, lingering there for a few seconds, before making its way back up to her eyes.

Her heart was thumping in her ears. She would've been shaking, had she not been overcome with sudden adrenaline. She didn't know where her sudden boldness came from, but she was loving it. A smirk graced her lips, and she could tell James loved it.

"Fuck it." he said breathlessly, before he pulled her in for a searing kiss.


Yes, slight cliffhanger. Sorry!
So it's been a while, I know, but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it. And quite exciting...

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and are looking forward to the next one!

Happy New Year!

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