Chapter 29

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James didn't know exactly what he had gotten himself into.

Robin was complicated. She was infuriating and shy while also being obnoxious. She was cold and too calculated. But she was beautiful and smart. She was funny and caring. Worst and best of all, she was a good kisser.

That's not okay.

He was walking back from the Astronomy Tower on December twenty-second, a peaceful and perfect day. His hair was somehow messier than usual from Robin's hands combing through it, his shirt had the first couple of buttons utterly broken from her wandering hands, and his grin was lazy and crooked. There was so much to take in, so many little things to feel happy about, from the frost on the widows to the echo of his footseps in the hallways. He has truly happy, if not a little bit dazed. He could've -

"What happened? " Sirius hissed as soon as James set foot in their dorm. Despite the little bit of venom in his words, he was grinning from ear to ear.

"You saw what happened, Sirius." James replied, shrugging and sitting down on his bed.

"Yes, but how? Is this the first time? Has it happened again?"

"Bloody hell, Padfoot, slow down. Let me just recollect my memories and relax. I've been out all day."


They waited a few moments while James raked the back of his mind for the words to describe his experience.

"Right, so you saw what happened back in the alley."


"That was a definite first."

"Was it, though?"

"Yes. Give it up, Sirius."

Sirius grumbled under his breath but did was he was told, which was a first.

"Then we spent some time together. We just talked, mind you, nothing weird."

"Cough cough."

"You could not be any more obvious if you tried."

"Sure I can. Let me give you an example." Sirius paused for effect. "I believe you are lying your arse off, and that you and Robin did, in fact, f-"

"That's enough!" James yelled at his friend.

"You gave me a challenge!"

"No, I didn't."

"I beg to differ."

James groaned and slumped down on his bed, running a hand through his hair and thinking back to earlier events.

Sirius stared intently aat his best friend with a conflicted look in his eye. He wanted to know what happened, but at this point, their story was more confusing than ancient runes. "Alright, just tell me everything, from the very beginning."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me the whole story. Everything you've kept hidden from me. And how exactly you ended up in such a... compromising position."

Tired and shocked, James told him the story from the very beginning and in excruciating detail. How he took 'dancing lessons' from her, how they briefly kissed, even about the bet on Remus and Sirius, which seemed to irk him a little bit, but he didn't get distracted. He told him about their kiss, their time spent together in the odd room underneath the Astronomy Tower.

"Did you...?" Sirius asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No!" James threw a pillow in his direction. "Anyway, I need your help. See, I have a sort of plan."

"Go on. What is this plan of yours?"

"Well, I had to wait for Christmas for this to work, but I wanted to bring her Christmas shopping with me, so I did that today." James paused, looking at Sirius.

"Is that it?"

"No, of course not." James waved him off, "I want you to enchant..."


Robin waltzed into the Great Hall and sat down next to the Marauders. Not to anyone's surprise or dismay; she had been doing this for a little while now. She was feeling particularly confident that day, December twenty-third, the day after her trip to Hogsmaeade, and had made a noticeable effort to show her new attitude. Her lips were tinted red. Her eyes were glittering with delight. Her skirt, which normally came down just above her knees, was bunched up by her waist (below her top) so it came down mid-thigh. The first few buttons of her shirt were open.

Contrary to what she would've though, the majority of the people surrounding her absolutely did not give a single f--

"Robin!" Peter whistled jokingly, "Looking nice. What's with the sudden change?"

She tossed a curled strand of hair over your shoulder, but before she could respond, Sirius butted in.

"Maybe it has something to do with-" Sirius stopped himself as he saw James' death glare aimed in his direction. "All the stuff she bought yesterday." he swallowed visibly and Robin looked down at her plate and shook her head to hide her smile.

"Yeah, you should see the new range of stuff they have in Hogsmaeade. Some of the clothes could be quite fun." she winked subtly at James and he choked on his scrambled eggs.

"You okay, mate?" Remus asked.

"Fine," James replied and Robin was graced with the rare sight of James blushing, "Just-- er-- ate too fast."

Sirius scoffed. Remus looked between the three of them and clocked an eyebrow. "Something you wanna tell me?"

"Yes, several things, actually." Sirius replied, winking with the finesse of a walrus.

"Go ahead, then."

Robin coughed. "I must be off, then. I have-- erm-- stuff to do." James mumbled something unintelligible, but she had easily deciced that she didn't need to hear it to be sure that she didn't want to know.

"I think I'll be off with her, then." He said, his eyes automatically looking to Sirius, making sure that he doesn't do anything they'll both regret. Without waiting for him, Robin ran off and out of the great hall without even touching her breakfast, leaving him scrambling after her.

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