Chapter 28

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"Fuck it." James said breathlessly, before he pulled her in for a searing kiss.

He put his arms around Robin's waist, pulling her close to him, while she looped her arms around his neck.

She forgot that she needed to breathe the moment their lips crashed together in a frenzied passion, something she had been awaiting and dreading for so long. She felt weightless as her hand crawled up his neck and raked through his messy black hair.

Her fingers left a pleasant burning sensation wherever they trailed along his body. He felt her heart beat faster against his chest as she parted her lips and he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

The passion suddenly turned rough and feverish as he pushed her against the brick wall and she fisted his shirt in attempt to get him closer. His hands trailed down to her thighs and she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Wow, he's a good kisser.

She thought to herself as she pulled him closer than she thought was humanly possible. Their lips momentarily disconnected and he kissed down her neck.

She heard someone clear their throat to her left, and the two jumped apart, looking at the ground as if they had just been caught stealing and were going to be given detention.

"Well, well, well." Sirius called out, looking at the two with mischievous eyes. He took a couple of steps back and yelled out, "Peter, Remus, you'll never guess-"

"Sirius, you wanker!" Robin cut him off and waltzed up to him. "If you breathe a word of this to anyone, I will punch your pathetic excuse for a face all the way to Durmstrang."

Sirius laughed at the threat, but she saw something like defeat, or rather acceptance within his eyes, "Tut, tut, there's no need to be so agressive, Robin."

"Oh, shut it!" She yelled, just as the other two boys approached.

"Never guess what, Sirius?" Remus asked, looking between the three of us.

"That these two thought they could hide from us!" Sirius exclaimed, a mischievous grin forming on his face, "What do you two say we take them somewhere a little more fun?"

Despite her close friendship with the boy, Robin had not expected that he would actually cover for her. She tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear and took off running, James following her without hesitation. The two weaved through the streets of Hogsmeade like it was nothing, narrowly avoiding crashing into students. As they finally made it back to the front entry of castle, James took a left and led her to the other side of the school.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, holding out his hand for her to take.

She trusted him. She knew that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Absolutely not." she replied, contradicting her own thoughts. He grabbed her hand nonetheless, and ran straight for the wall in front of the Astronomy Tower. Her eyes widened in fear as she braced for an impact that never came.

They had come through the other side of the wall, just like on platform nine and three quarters.

The room she barged into was breathtaking. She was astounded. The ceiling was domed and in white marble, reminding her of ancient Greco-Roman architecture. Paintings and small statues adorned the walls of the circular room, all of them inscribed in some language she couldn't read, though she did recognise a couple of the faces. One was Merlin, a statue of an old wizard in dark blue robes, with a long, wispy beard that would make even Dumbledore jealous. Across from him were the founders of Hogwarts: Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor.

As she twirled around, trying to capture any information that she could, James had already made himself comfortable on one of the Black leather couches on either side of the room.

"They won't find us here." James stated, waving her over to her. She walked over to him and sat down, making sure she was as close to him as possible without looking weird.

Is it possible I'm overthinking this?

Her mind raced but she pushed past it. "Do they not know about this place?" she asked curiously.

"If course they do, they're my best mates. We just haven't been here in a while."

"And how did you pull this off?" she was trying to distract him for their incident earlier.

What was I thinking?

She sighed internally.

"We didn't do anything. This was already here. Although, we did take some precautions to make sure this place stays hidden." he explained, resting his head on his hand.

"Like what?"

"Like... We didn't put it on the map. We charmed this place. But it was already here."

"I can't believe I didn't know this was here." She marveled in the beauty of the room. "Do you think Dumbledore knows about this place?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Probably."

She had ran out of questions. Two minutes into their very mundane conversation that she was using as a distraction, and she had ran out of topics.

I'm so dead.

"But, I'm pretty sure that's not what you want to be talking about." James said shyly, smiling sheepishly at her.

He was right, of course. She didn't want to talk about architecture or charms or whatever the hell came into her mind in the Spur of the moment. But she didn't want to talk about what happened between them either.

How was she meant to explain her behaviour? Yes, she knew they both liked each other. It couldn't be any more obvious. But that didn't mean she was ready to do that. She couldn't end up with James Potter. She wasn't built for it; and she wasn't going to lead him on.

"No you're right." she told him nervously. His hand trailed down her arms and grazed her fingertips gently, causing sparks of electricity to erupt beneath her skin. Her fingers entwined with his, and she grinned at him.

Alright, so maybe she was going to lead him on a little bit.

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