My Teenage Werewolf...Pregnancy !

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This Is My First Story So Please Tell Me What You Think :)

I Want Honesty :] !

Part 1

I Had Been Laying In My Bed All Day Since 8am It Was Already 9pm I Couldnt Bring Myself To Go Outside To Face Him..

I Heard A Knock On The Door Then Someone fidgeting With The Knob..Oh No Its Jason I Really Didnt Want Him To See Me After What I Found Out The Night Before.He Walked In "Hey Babe I Missed You Why Havent You Been Returning My Phone Calls" He Said With That Irresistable Puppy Dog Pout That Showed How Deep His Dimples Were "Sorry Babe I Just been a little...busy" i say supsiciously.He obviously hadnt noticed because he smiled at me reached in and kissed my lips. ohh how i wanted so bad to just cuddle and forget everything but it wasn't an option the talk had to be done since he was here now.As he moved closer to the bed the reality of what i was about to tell him set in.My palms started sweating and for a slight second i got scared."Whats wrong babe why you seem so melancoly ?" he tilted his head waiting for my answer.There was silence...

"Im Pregnant" i said in a whisper i didnt look up because i didnt want to see his facial expression but i could feel his sky blue eyes burning holes in me as i stared at the ground.Jason lifted my chin up so that our eyes met.He let out a smirk "Babe why you look as if you dont want my baby ?".The truth i didnt want to have his baby because of what he was..he was a werewolf and that would make our child half human half wolf.Deep down i wanted to have Jasons child but only if he was full human."Jason i want to have your baby but i want to have a human child not a wolf ! You know what type of drama and the difficult situation this can put us in i dont want my child to go through all the stuff you had to go through as a child".He didnt say one word he just looked at me with dissappointment.I could tell by the way he started playing with hands that he understood where i was coming from he just didnt want to agree with me."Im sorry if being a werewolf is such a horrible thing ! But just remember you use to love that about me...but hey now i know the truth and to think i thought we would be together forever get married have kids live a happy life and all this time you never planned of being together forever you just wanted me until you were ready to settle down WOW EMANI !" I saw a tear run down his face i have never seen this side of him.I love Jason with all my heart i want to be with him forever just without kids until the wolf council changed their rules about humans.

"Jason its not like that you know i love you your my everything and i want to be together forever but you know wolfs are not alowd to love,marry,and impregnate a human its forbidden and they might try to do something to me im scared scared" I emmediately burst out in tears i have only cried infront of Jason twice throughout the entire 3 years we have been dating.

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