My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Part 16

I stayed in the hospital for about 4 days so the doctor could make sure everything went okay. Johnathan started to cry. I leaned over and picked him up. He's so adorable with his greenish blue eyes and soft long goldish brown hair. He looks like Jason with the dimples but his giggle and laugh is just like me. I was home with him we were alone Jason went out to buy some more clothes and diapers. "Hi baby boy mommy loves her little baby boy yes she does yes she does" i started to tickle his tummy he laughed so hard that his cheeks were red. Rick had been over a few times to tell me about my shifting and JoJo's (Johnathans Nickname) he said the JoJo would change when he turned 5 and i could change whenever i wanted. I wanted to change but i was to scared my wolf would take over and refuse my human form to take control back. I was scared so i just stalled a while.

*5 Years Later*

"Babe you need to shift Im serious !" I had been blowing it off for 5 years i was to scared to embrace my wolf. Jason kept pestering me to shift but i would always make up some excuse not to. "I will I will Im just tired okay" I was stalling again but this time he didnt buy it "NO SHIFT NOW OR ILL MAKE YOU SHIFT BY CHALLENGING YOUR WOLF" why would he do something like that he knows that challenging my wolf will give her complete control. "No you will not Jason leave me alone" I ran to the room upstairs and of course he followed close behind "Emani you need to shift or you will die" he was scared i could smell the fear on him "how will i die Jason your making it up" He pushed the door open and looked at me then down at the floor "If you wait to long to shift you'll lose your wolf and without you wolf you will die by the bite" why must this wolf shit be so confusing. I cant even think straight "Fine watever i'll do it but not for you or anybody else's oppinion im doing it because just like a child needs his father they need their mother as well" I went to walk out when JoJo came running into the room "Mommy want to go running please" He had made his first shift and was wolfing all over the place "Yess but Cat is going with you" Cat was now my closest friend she has been here for me since day one. "Noooooo Mommy Nooooo I want you to run with me please" I saw the dissapointment in his eyes as he stared at me waiting for me to give it "Mommy cant JoJo i never changed before" JoJo looked so confused at if i was the first person he ever met that couldnt shift "But daddy and aunty cat can shift why cant you shift you dont have wolf powers mommy ?" wolf powers how cute i loved when he called it that it was just so adorable "No i do have wolf powers its just i never used them before" He nodded in agreement to what i said "I'll change with you mommy we can do it together me you and daddy and aunty cat" Awwwe that was so sweet of him to say he smiled showing his deep dimples just like his father does when he wants his way i could bare to say no to him and see the hurt look on his face "Okay just give mommy a few minutes to get ready" he nodded and walked off. I didnt want to change i didnt even know how but i would have to change sooner than i wanted for the happiness of my son and Jason. I have a feeling this is going to be a long and slightly painful day.

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