My Teenage Werewolf...Pregnancy !

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Part 8

I woke to someone playing with my hair. It was Jason i opened my eyes and smiled. "Hey You ! How did things go?" i gave his a soft kiss on the cheek. "It went well. Ready to go?" I glanced at the time 5:00. Damn Im suppose to be at moms at 6:30. "Yeah im just going to jump in the shower though k". He nodded his head in agreement. I ran over grabbed my bag that i leave at Jason house for just in case purposes, grabbed my deodarent,lotion, and towel then quickly jumped in the shower. I came out around 5:45 i had 15minutes till we had to leave. When i walked out in my towel jason had a nice black strapless dress with a hair bow and some to die for black strapped heels laid out on the bed. My jaw dropped "Whats all of this for?" he looked at me with a smirk that showed his right dimple "Im taking you out to celebrate my ownership of North America!". A ear to ear smile ran across my face i ran and hugged him so tight. I was glad everything went good with his parents. I quickly got dressed and we left the house around 6:15. We were going to be late to see my mother ( Rose ) which meant more bitching from Cruela De Ville.

*6:45pm-Emani's House*

Jasons POV:

I was so scared to tell Rose about the baby. She already hated me. Would this be the last straw? Would she keep Emani from me? So many questions so little time to find answers. Even with all this going on i thought back to my encounter with my parents. They really had me listening and seeing things from a different perspective. They help me understand that Blood Is Thicker Than Water. I will not let her get in the way a Family anymore. It is time to drop some of the dead weight in my life and my mother helped me understand that.

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