My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy

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Part 11

I looked at everyone in the room. Words couldnt describe how i felt right now i wanted to run away and never come back. "Be a werewolf....what thats unfair either my baby dies or i have to become a werewolf...oh my god" Jason walked over to me and grabbed my hand "You dont have to do the transformation i'll understand" Even though Jason wanted to mean everything he said his eyes showed his true emmotions and it proves that he wanted our baby. "I just need time to think can everyone leave" They all walked over except karen and gave me hugs then they all walked out. I stayed up that night thinking about what i was going to do. I hadnt thought of anything and i didnt want to be bothered so i told the nurse that i wanted to be placed in the no visitations list temporarally i needed to be alone.

*3 Days Later*

"Sir you cant enter the room she has requested no visitations....Sir stop...SIR !" Jason barged through the door looked around then to me "What the hell is wrong with you how could you keep me from coming to visit did you forget your holding my child damn Emani you know you could be so selfish i ca-" I cut him off before he could finish "I want the transformation" Jasons eyes widened he was in total shock nobody said anything for about 5 minutes. Then the nurse walked in with 3 security guards. "Sir i said you couldnt come in here. Take him boys." The guards grabbed Jason. Oh No. Jason lifted up 2 of the men by their collars "Jason Dont !" He placed them down "Leave him alone hes my childs father. Susan change my visitation rights back and tell the doctor i would like to go home as soon as possible i have something i have to handle". She nodded her head waved for the men to follow her and they all left closing the door behind them. "Are you serious ?" I nodded yes. He smiled taking me into a big hug. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed someone they talked for a minute then we layed down watching t.v. In about 2 hours there was a knock at the door. Jason smiled and walked towards it grabbing the knob. Who was he so happy about ?

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