My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Part 14

"Hi im Cat you must be Jasons girlfriend iknow this one...Emani right" A skinny blone girl walked over to me breaking the silence. "Yeah nice to meet you Cat" i shook her hand and turned to Jason "Babe my feet are starting to hurt i need to sit down" a young boy about 12 or 13 came outside with a chair placing it infront of me "Thank you..but how di-nevermind i forgot good hearing" I smiled and took a seat. "Ok everyone this is Emani my girlfriend and mother of child i told you about now she's going to be staying here with us for her change and birth and i need everyones support and help" Jason was speaking firmly almost with the way who were all these people anyway? and why were they so focused on what Jason was saying? Whatever.. I got up and grabbed Jasons hand "Baby im kind of hungry where's the closest deli ?" Jason smiled "Oh no no no your not leaving my sight baby we have food in the house what would you like ?". Jason is so over protective he thinks the world is after me that thought make me giggle silently. "hmm im really craving ham and cheese with mustard mayo lettace tomatoes salt pepper oil and vinegar and 2 pickels sliced the long way with a cup of sweet tea Mmmm delicious" Jasons eyes widened and he laughed then nodded his head and pulled me inside. He took me to a room that was brown and black with a king size bed he then laid me down took off my shoes propped my pillows and handed me the remote "Ill be right back with your sandwhich" I nodded and thanked him he walked out and i dont know why i guess from all the movement and everything i fell asleep.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" i jumped up out of bed almost falling forward something was wrong i was in pain exscruciating pain i felt like i was dying. "JASON !! JASON !!" he came running in the room "what happen !" i started crying in pain "It hurts it hurts ! HOLY SHIT IM BLEEDING!" Their was blood all over the bed Jason ran down stairs and came back up in about 5 second with a man he was tall dark skin with lots of facial hair and a name tag that said Rick "Hello Emani Im Dr.Rick Now i need you to take deep breaths and calm down so i can determine whats wrong ok now breath in and out then count to 10 slowly" I took a deep breath and let it out then began counting as the doctor checked me out "1........2........3........4.........5..........6..........7.........8...........9........10" i was relaxed it actually worked Jason was holding my hand i hadnt realized that. "Ok Emani no worries the baby is just fussy so its acting out. The baby started kicking and swinging and the strength of it was to much for your uterus. Have you eatten today ?" Oh snap i fell asleep i shook my head no a little embarrassed how could i have deprived my baby from food i need to eat. "Ok then maybe thats why the baby is fussy Jason do you have anything for her to eat ?" Jason turned towards the doctor "Yes Rick i was in the middle of making her sandwhich when i heard her snores from the kitchen so i set it aside" I blushed did i really snore that loud or was it just the good hearing thing again ? Jason went down stairs and came back with my sandwhich i thanked him and ate it the doctor didnt leave until i finished the sandwhich "Ok that should be good and you should get rest and go to sleep that episode must have wore the baby out. Have a nice day Emani and i hope to see you when the baby is being born not a day earlier not a day later nice to meet you Good Night" he shook me and Jasons hand then walked out. Jason changed the sheets then laid me down climbed into bed and tucked us in.

*Day Of The Transformation & Birth Of My Baby _____ Part 15*

Thanks For Everyones Support I Hope You Enjoyed My Story So Far I Cant Wait To Share The Next Part And Let You Guys Know How Emani Deals With The Whole Being A Wolf And Giving Birth Or If Everything Is To Much To Grasp For One Person.

-Much Love xOxOxOx-

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