My Teenage Werewolf...Pregnancy !

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Part 5

I Couldn't Believe what Karen had just said.Why wouldn't Jason tell me. oh my god HUNTED ! I cant deal with this I need to get the Hell outta this place.I ran towards the door but someone grabbed me slamming me against the wall."oh emani leaving so soon you already intruded with that little devil inside of you.So how does it feel to know your going to be hunted huh ? Huh HOE HUH !?" She lifted me up to throw me but Jason Came running and gripped her neck throwing her into the t.v "LEAVE EMANI THE HELL ALONE MOM !" Jason was pissed I could see it in his eyes both him and Karen were in full wolf form before anyone could make any moves I ran straight to the door. Before I could get off the porch Jacob grabbed me "what's wrong ?" I couldnt speak Jacob is Jason's Father and the head alpha of the country.He stopped and listened for a moment his eyes shot to mine "Go Inside (no movement) NOW!!" I rushed inside. Jacob grabbed both Jason and Karen By their collars lifted them up.The room was silent "Son Please Do Not tell me you got her pregnant and on top of that you fought your mother."Nobody Responded...Jacob placed Karen and Jason down "I Advise Everyone To Take A Seat Before I Change To My Wolf Form !" Everybody sat down in about 3seconds.We all knew that when Jacob went wolf someone got hurt and since im the only one that cant protect themself i was the first to sit."Dad Im S-" Jacob Cut him off "I dont want to hear that. How long have you known ? Is my question." Jason went to speak but Jacob put his hand up to stop him then pointed to me.I took a huge Gulp then sat up straight and said "A week Sir" Jacob just shook his head in disappointment. Karen was starring me up and down. Jacob looked from me to Jason "So what do you suppose we do about this?". Karen smirked and said "I got a few ideas" Jason shot his blue eyes at her with the look of a warning. "Please Sir dont let them take my baby away from me i didnt plan the pregnancy it just happened by accident and at first i was mad and angry but Jason taught me to appreciate what i have and that everything happens for a reason and..and...i just dont want anyone to take my baby please!" Jasons eyes widened and lit up when those words came out of my mouth i guess he was shocked because i never got the chance to tell him how i felt after the talk we had a week ago. "Emani you are a very bright YOUNG girl and i understand you fully but there is nothing i can do to save your child its out of my hands now, And Jason you know the rules i cant believe you would be so irresponsible." Jacob walked out of the room and into his study. "Oh how much fun im going to have hunting you little girl.I hope you enjoy these few days with your little devil child because when the council finds out i'll make sure i catch you so it'll be someone you know snatching the life out of you" Karen Just smirked and started walking away. But after all the crap i put up with this past week i wasnt taking her crap wolf or no wolf. I walked behind her and yanked her by the hair "STUPID BITCH dont ever talk about my child like that again you miserable HORE!" she must have been in shocked because she let me punch her a few times then Jason lifted me and carried me upstairs.I was exausted he layed me down and i drifted to sleep.

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