My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Part 12

Jason opened the door and there infront of me stood my mom and Jacob. They were both holding bags with big smiles on their face. "SUPRISE HONEY !" My mom was glowing with excitement "whats the suprise mom and what are yall holding?" i was so confused at to what was going on. Jacob walked over to the bed and handed me 2 bags "Suprise sweetheart im so proud of you" I opened the bag and their was louie vitton belt and skirt with a button up shirt and a pair of heels. Then my mom gave me a bag and inside of it was a blow dryer, curling iron, hair spray, hair pins, a diamond necklace with a matching ring bracelet and anklet. What the hell was going on? Why was everyone being so nice to me and why was my mom so comfortable around Jacob and Jason she hates them because of what they are. "Uh Thanks You Guys !..but i cant help but ask what is the special occasion?" They all looked at me almost is disbelief at what i had just asked. Jason laughed "I cant believe that you out of all people forgot your own birthday" OH MY GOSH My birthday how could i have been so naive to forget about the most important day of my life my 18th birthday i had been planning this day for months. "And for your first birthday present from me you are coming home so go get dressed and your mom will do your hair and stuff then we out of here" I gave Jason a big KoolAid smile then jumped up and ran to the bathroom to bath and get dressed. I wonder what else Jason had in store for me?

*2 Hours Later* ~Jason's POV~

She walked out of the bathroom looking gorgeous her hair was in curls down her back even though she was pregnant she looked sexy and i wouldnt change anything for the world. She smiled at me and spun around giving me a look at her entire outfit and hair. "Gorgeous !..shall we go ?" I grabbed her by the hand and guided her out of the room to the elevator still admiring her good looks. Emani never wore makeup and she had natural beauty so it didnt matter. We walked out of the hospital and right where i left it was a brand new Audi i paid for with the words "Happy Birthday Emani" poster hanging on the front of the car. Emani jumped in my arms i loved making her happy. I handed her the keys and emmediately she jumped in looking at each and everything inside. I leaned on the end of the car while my Baby turned on the radio and fixed the mirrors. "Lets go for a drive please!" Emani smiled looking at us with her head hanging out the window. "Ok lets go guys" we all climbed in the car and drove away. "Babe we need to make a quick stop ok". She nodded her head and i punched the address in the gps. It took us about 30minutes to get here. I pulled out a blind fold and place it over her eyes. She giggled and gave me a kiss. I guided her inside and upstairs. Then removed the blind fold and everyone screamed "SUPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She was so shocked "Oh my god baby you did all of this for me thank you so much". She rapped her arms around my neck placing a passionate kiss on me. "No problem now go have fun because tomorrow we talk about the change". I cant wait until i change her finally we will live a happy life and have a easy pregnancy. Our child however will still be partly human because she was human when it happened but he or she will have more control over the shifts because our wolf blood will be stronger in him or her. Oh i hope we have a boy little Jason or maybe Johnathan i dont know just hopefully its a boy for my benefit that is.

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