My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Hey Guys This Is Going To Be The Last Part Of My Story I Appreciate All Of You Guys :) Please Read My Next Story "Love Lost,Love Gained" Chapter 1 Of It Should Be Posted In About 24 Hours.

Part 19

*12 Years Later* JoJo POV:

"Ma Lets Go Im Going To Be Late !" I was screaming to my mom to hurry up my initiation was in 30 minutes. I would become Alpha of my Fathers pack. My mom and dad were going away on a couples retreat for wolves and i would finally be able to show my father that i dont need him on my back to control the pack. Im 17 i've graduated highschool and im going to be attending colleges classes instead of going away i needed to get all my priorities straight if i wanted to prove to my dad im more than just wolfing up and hanging with friends. Mom is turning 33 so my dad decided to take her on this retreat. "Oh im coming JoJo relax you have time" Mom came downstairs with her bags she had packed. I laughed because she had this huge Blue sunhat that covered her face. Just like mom to wear something exotic to embarrass me infront of all my friends. "Dad said he'll be waiting for us infront of the new Pack House well in this case I call it JoJo's Wolf Pad" I bursted into laughter because noone really believed how serious i was about that name for the Pack House. She just rolled her eyes and got into the car. We got there 5 minutes early thank god.

Jason POV:

My son arrived at JoJo Wolf Pad that name still made me laugh. We were all waiting and ready for him to start the initiation. My son Johnathan (JoJo) Xavier Jones would be Alpha of my pack. I was so proud of him. Me and Emani got married when he turned 6 we have officially been husband and wife for 11 years. Just hearing the name Mrs Emani Jones gives me chills. I could wait to finally get some alone time with just me and her on this retreat. I was happy with my life and my family and i had a feeling JoJo would manage the pack perfectly and he would be okay with us being gone exspecially since him and Cats daughter Star have been dating since he was 13 and he plans on popping the big question after his iniciation.

-The End-

Dont Forget in nomore than 24 hours Love Lost,Love Gained Chapter 1 Will Be Posted So Share Love :)

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