My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Part 13

*Emanis POV*

I had a blast lastnight it was so fun seeing all my close friends and family and exspecially my mom getting along with Jason family. I got up off the bed and made my way down stairs to make breakfast ever since the accident Jason was on me like glue so i decided to stay with him and his family until i gave birth then i might consider going back home. I grabbed two pans and the ingrediants to make pancakes and bacon. It took about 1 hour to finish because my belly kept getting in the way. Dang this was definitely a wolf's baby cause i was nearly a month and it looks as if i was big as a house Jason says it isnt big but he's suppose to say that to make me feel better. When i finished i placed 4 plates on the table acknowledging Karens presence in the house even though she's been a bitch to me. I guess Jason smelled the food cause he came downstair along with his father saying "Mmmm Yummy that smells good" i let out a giggle as he made his way to me grabbing me around my waist. "Good Morning Beautiful" he smiled with those adorable dimples "Good Morning Handsome. How did you sleep?" i placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He smiled and looked in my eyes "wonderful now that i have you in my arms" i let out a loud laugh and blushed a little. "Good Morning Jacob how did you sleep?" his father grabbed his plate and came towards me as i placed the food on it "Good Morning and just fine Emani...thank you" We all sat at the table and ate. I had a feeling life would be great for now on.

*9months Later*

It was time for the transformation now that i was giving birth in a week. After the birth Jason and Jacob agreed to help me control my shifts. Im huge my belly is heavy i can barely walk my mood swings are off and on and this baby which we dont know the sex of constantly kicks me. "JASON HELP ME GET IN THE CAR!" Jason laughed at me and helped me climb into the car. We were going to his out house (wolf caven) so that i could change and give birth in the hospital their just in case its a little um..supernatural. I couldnt wait to get changed i never realized how cool being a wolf would be. We drove to this place it took nearly a hour and a half. When we arrived their were wolfs fighting and people shifting it looked like it hurt. Everyone stopped and stared when i walked up to the house. What was going on here why did everyone stop moving and just look at me?

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