My Teenage Werewolf...Pregnancy !

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Part 7

"Jason I need to tell you something" I placed the plate down on the nightstand. "Sure babe go ahead whats wrong?" I was a little scared to have to tell him this. I took a deep breath then cut straight to the point "You own a country and your mom and a guy named rich and jonny are planning on kidnapping me" Jasons eyes widened. He didnt say anything he just sat there looking at me in shock like he couldnt process what i had just said. "Emani what are you talking about?" "Look Jason i woke up early lastnight to go get water and i heard people downstairs and when i went to go see who it was i heard your mom and two guys talking about how they were going to take me and how they couldnt take me lastnight because you have alpha blood in you and you'll kill them if the so much as touch me. Then your mom said you own a country and that they arent going to tell you until you show leadership". Jason stood up and paced back and forth then he punched a hole in the wall.I never seen him this mad before except maybe when his mom tried to hurt me but the anger he had was different if was hurt and anger mixed in one. "Look Emani i need to have a serious talk with my parents i'll order a pizza for you and bring you some movies to watch while i talk to the kay?" I nodded my head in agreement i needed to call my mom anyway i havent been home in 24hours shes probably pissed with me. Jason walked out of the room and i went to take a shower. I Must've took long in the shower because when i came out there was a box of pepperoni pizza (my favorite), a 2 liter dr pepper and a collection of movies laid out. Instead of popping in a movie i called my mom first.

*Riiiing Riiiinnng Riiiiinnnnggg Riiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg!*

Mom: Hello

Me: Um Hey Mom Its Emani

Mom: Where The Hell Have You Been Emani !?

Me: I Spent the night with Jason Mom

Mom: *sucks teeth* Did i give you permission to spend the night with that animal?

Me: Mom dont start this please look i Just called to let you know im ok and that when i come home later on tonight me you and jason need to have a serious talk.

Mom: Now Emani I Told You Splenty Of Times I Dont Like Pets In This House BUT Since It Sounds Important I'll Make And Exception Just Make Sure You Bring The Leash.


*Click !*

I laid down popped in Abduction and ate pizza.I wonder how things were going with Jason Jacob and Karen.I couldnt stop thinking about him. Towards the end of the movie i fell asleep.

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