My Teenage Werewolf Pregnancy !

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Part 15

*Day Of The Transformation*

It was time for me to do the change. It had been a week since the incident with Dr.Rick. That meant i was giving birth in exactly a week. Jason walked into the room i was laying on the bed. "Em you ready for today?" he came and sat on the bed "yea i think im ready babe will it hurt" i couldnt help think about what i saw last night a five year old boy was changing and he started to cry out in pain "No baby the change doesnt hurt only the bite hurts and since your getting the transformation bite it wont hurt that much" I was releaved but i wondered what other kind of change could their be "Baby what do you mean by since im getting that kind what other kind is there?" he took a deep breath "well there are 3 types of change its the bite, then it the heart to heart where you get a needle stuck in your heart and in a wolfs heart and it changes, lastly its the dominant change when you must kill a wolf with a bullet through the right side of his heart therefore forcing his wolf abilities to you but it doesnt work if he isnt in wolf form" Wow i learned so much just now. I got up off the bed and went to the dresser to change into something wolfly and dangerous hahaha. I grabbed my black jeans black shirt with my black biker boots. Then i got changed. "Wow we going to a wolf transformation or a biker anniciation ?" Jason laughed eyeing me up and down "haha very funny now move so i can go downstairs and eat" I left out the room and when i got downstairs Cat was sitting at the table with two made plates of bacon eggs and pancakes. "Good Morning Em! i took the liberty to make breakfast for you do you mind ?" i smiled we became close friends these pass weeks "No thank you so much" i sat down and began to eat with her we talked then the rest of the wolves came inside "Alpha The Man Is Here !" Alpha ? Oh of course Cat thats why she was the first one to greet me shes the Alpha Female "Oh Cat i had no idea you were the Alpha congradulations you must be proud" Cat looked at me with confusion "Im not the Alpha...Jason is" I had no thoughts running through my head i was speachless and thoughtless. Speak of the devil Jason came walking downstairs "Hey babe ready ?" I was so mad that he didnt tell me im holding his child letting him change me and he cant tell me he the Alpha of all these wolves ughh im not letting him get away with this one. "Oh hey ALPHA hows life being a leader of everyone here it must be so hard seeing how you worked so hard at keeping it from me Ughh Jerk" I pushed pass him and walked outside onto the porch. He came up behind me "Em i wasnt hiding it from you please dont be mad i was just waiting for the right time to tell you" Right Time! "Oh so let me guess the right time would be when after you changed me to a wolf and we did our mating bond or wait no after i gave birth to your child or or or wait maybe after you got me agree to move in this house with you with the baby yeah thats it you wanted to wait till you got everything you wanted to tell me that these people were only being nice to me because im the Alphas Girlfriend and Baby Mama I Can-" I was cut off by a man behind me clearing his throat 'Oh im sorry i didnt mean to interrupt you um Jason is this a good time or should i come back ?" Jasons began to blush in embarrassment. "No Omega Please this is the perfect time im sorry just a little disagreement thats all....Emani This is Alpha Omega he here to witness the change so he can comfirm that the transformation went well" I was still mad at Jason but i wasnt about to make him look bad infront of Omega he looks important and the fate of my baby was in his hands. "Hello Mr.Omega My Name Is Emani Rosario but you may call me Em...Omega isnt that a kind of wolf....with all do respect that is" He smiled "very intelligent young woman she is Jason and yes Eman-Em it is a kind of wolf see i was an only child so when my father finally had his first son with my mother he wanted wolf authority to be all over me so he named me Alpha Omega Wolf. crazy yeah i know but i think it was actually good luck because i turned out to be one of the most powerful Alphas in the world well second most poweful Alpha see Jacob has that position on lock" he laughed patting Jason on the back. "I see well i like that name...anyway gentlemen shall we proceed with the change ?" They nodded their heads and we walked to the back yard everyone was in a circle. I got to admit I was a little nervous. Jason placed me in the middle and told me to lay on the blanket. Omega came said some words I didn't understand then grabbed two wolves bringing them in the middle with me "Em I know this probably seems weird and maybe even scary but these wolves are here to assured Jason is in control" I nodded my head Jason's wolf walked over to me nuzzled my nose and bit down long and hard on my neck. Oh gosh is hurt so much I started to tear up I wanted it to stop. "Jason enough ENOUGH JASON JASON !" Omega was screaming I felt weak I was sleep in 4seconds. When i awoke i was in my room alone but I could hear mumbling from downstairs. I rose out of bed a little dizzy when I felt my body in pain like I was getting punched multiple times. Jason came running but before he could speak i was knocked out. "Omega ! what is happening" it was silence "JASON TAKE HER TO DR RICK NOW !" I woke up in a hospital bed this was so getting annoying. "Ms Rosario can you here me..(I nodded) ok now I believe you are giving birth no reason to be alarmed this happens all the time when a alpha and human have a child and the birth is after the change" I looked at him "will my baby be ok and is it still a pure blood" Rick nodded yes to both questions. I felt a little better I turned to Jason and all I saw was pure fear in his eyes oh my baby. "Babe hold my hand" I was having pain it must've been contractions.

*10 hours later*

"Ahhh Get It Out Get It Out !!" I was in pain the doctor said it would be ok for me to push. Jason was by my side he called my mom and his parents and they all were in the hospital room with me (except Karen) Jason nuzzled my nose "Are you ready Ms Rosario ?" I giggled and nodded yes. Rick walked in and told me how it was going to work. I began pushing and it took about 10 minutes and after i was done Rick walked away with my baby and cleaned it i could hear it crying "What is it a boy or girl ?" Rick turned around my baby wrapped up in a white blanket "Congradulations Emani you have given birth to a beautiful baby boy" Jason starting jumping and screaming with joy he ran over and grabbed his son. "what are you naming him?" Rick said while cleaning his hands. "Im going to name him Johnathan Xavier Jones" i smiled at Jason because i have chose his favorite name and mine for a boy. "Excellent wonderful names well I'll leave you alone to bond" Rick patted Jasons back then walked out.

Continuation Next Chapter :)

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