My Teenage Werewolf...Pregnancy !

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Part 10

I woke up in the hospital to Jason Jacob my mom and a doctor all starring at me. "Its a miracle Ma'm" My mom looked at me then towards the doctor and smiled. I only managed to get 2 words to come out of my mouth "My Baby" The doctor smiled at me and reassured me that the baby was perfectly healthy and that in order for them to make sure it stays that way i would have to stay in the hospital for a few days maybe a week. I was devistated. Jason had tears cascading down his eyes i wanted to jump up and hold him but i was to weak. "What Happen To Me ?" Jason wiped his tears "The baby Emani its to strong for your fragile body it kicked and the impact of the kick knocked the wind out of you causing you to become weak and so sorry Emani please dont be mad at me please". Jasons eyes began to water it wasn't his fault how could he have known this could have happened. "Jason its not your fault how would you have known don't cry please" He wiped his tears and gave me a soft kiss. Three men walked in and looked around and closed the door leaving just me Jason Karen my mom Jacob and the three men in the room. Jacob tensed up and so did Karen and jason. I wanted to know what was going on. The biggest man cleared his throat and looked at me "So I assumed this is the pregnant human?" Karen nodded her head. "so I hope you gave her the rules?" Jacob stood up "yes I did" the man looked at jason he didnt say anything just looked at him almost with dissappointment. "Council men please dont do this to her she had no intensions on getting pregnant nor did i it just happened by accident" Jason showed no tears but i could see the hurt in his eyes. "Look Jason the child must die there are rules to protect our kind and whose to say this baby wont shift at the wrong time exposing us to humans we just cant take that risk right now sorry humans arent aware of our kind and it needs to stay that way". I bursted into tears this was to much for me to handle i didnt care who saw me cry this was my child we were talking about it has just as much a right to life than any full wolf child. "Council Men cant we come to a compromise afterall i did alpha this state to 33victorys since i started" Jacob comment made me calm down and regain some hope. The Council walked away placed their heads together and it looked at if they were mind talking. They turned around and looked at Jason "You have until the full moon to make the transformation or the hunt is on". They walked out. Transformation..what the hell is that...oh i dont care if it saves my baby im fine with that tssk. Everyone looked shocked even my mom. "Jason what is the transformation?" He looked at me with sadness....

"It means turning you into........a wolf" I stared off into space total silence.

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