Chapter 5

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I was shaken awake. 


I opened my eyes groggily to see a girl sitting over me, her hazel eyes sparkling with concern. "Maple."

"You're awake," she exhaled.

She slid her hand under me and helped me sit up. My back didn't hurt as much, so I accepted it. "Thanks."

We sat side by side, leaning on the wall. She spoke first. "So?" I knew what she was asking.

"Around ten."

"That many?" She asked, looking at the ground. I nodded. "Are you alright, then?" She said, turning her head to look at me, lips twisted in worry.

"Yes," I answered.

"What are we going to do, El? There're only — " she broke off, her eyes apologetic. But I didn't mind, much.

"Three more days," I supplied.

"We have to get you out," she said, eyes wide.

"I don't think it's possible, Maple. You saw what happened after Juniper tried."

Maple sighed, now chewing on her lower lip, "Then what do we do?" I only shrugged, and she put her head in her hands, "We're going to die."

I blinked, and her head shot to me. "I'm sorry, El, I didn't mean — "

I shook my head at her. "I know."

I'd accepted it. So maybe I'd die, if that was what was planned for me. But I would make a difference. I would change something. Change this system. And I knew how.

She was still watching me. "It's fine, Maple," I said.

"We'll find a way to fix this," she said.

"Maple, we can't. But there is something you can help me with," I said, looking at her.

"Tell me." Her eyes lit up, and I knew she'd do anything I asked of her.

I whispered my plan into her ear. Her eyes widened as I spoke. I had barely finished when she exclaimed, "El, that's genius!"

"It won't work," I said. I knew it wouldn't, but I couldn't just do nothing.

"Well, maybe," she admitted, "But maybe it will."

"You're too optimistic," I grumbled.

"That I am, Princess."

Maple soon left, promising to make sure I could carry out my plan. I had no worries on that front. I knew she'd be able to do what I'd asked of her.

My worries were on how my plan would be received — well, if I'd even be able to carry it out. It was highly unlikely that my mother, Forreston and Branch would let me do it.

But there was a Law pertaining to this very subject. I was sure about that much at least, no matter how unsure I was of everything else.

In the history of our Forest, no one had ever attempted what I was going to do. And it wouldn't be easy. Probably wouldn't even work. But I would have done something. Better than lying around in my cell uselessly like a piece of furniture.

The Council would oppose me. They were my mother's followers.

But though doubts plagued me, I had to do this. I had to raise my voice. And if it worked, I'd most likely still die, but life would be unimaginably better for the elves.

My people.

It was small, but it was all I could do. Even if I failed, the seed would be planted, and possibly in the future things would be better. Maybe word would leak out, elves would be inspired — things could be different.

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