Chapter 29

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THE sun had fallen by the time it was our turn.

We'd eaten a bread bun each from Daisy's basket. It felt impolite to ask for more, especially when they didn't have too many, so hunger gnawed at my stomach as we walked.

Slowly, the line diminished, and we finally reached the gates.

"I hope you get in," Daisy whispered, right before it was their turn.

"You as well," Maple said. We waved as they walked up to the guard.

"Don't shows any signs of nervousness," Terran murmured, almost too quiet to hear.

I swallowed, trying to hide my nerves. The closer I got, the more likely it seemed that we would caught, though we were disguised.

Daisy and Jonquil went in. The guard waited for a few minutes, looking at the castle, before turning and beckoning us.

Maple grabbed my hand as we strode towards him.

"More servants," he said, sighing.

"Yes, sir," Maple said, nodding.

"Your names," he said dryly. Maple told him, and he wrote on a piece of parchment. It was a wonder his hand wasn't swollen with all the writing he must've done.

He narrowed his eyes, looking at us carefully. Finally, he grunted. "Go in."

We gave him grateful nods before walking through the gates and into the main hall.

I sucked in a breath, struck at once with the familiarity. This was home. And hell.

We were led down another corridor, where several elves were waiting in front of closed doors.

"Wait here," the guard said, gesturing at a door.

Daisy and Jonquil were standing in front of the door beside us. Daisy gave us a small smile and waved.

The door in front of them opened, and Jonquil murmured something to her before going in.

I wiped my slick palms on my dress, my heart pounding faster. Then our door opened.

"I'll go first," Maple whispered. I watched as she walked through, the door shutting behind her.

"Do not worry," Terran said softly. I nodded, unable to form words. The door opened again — Maple didn't come out. "Go," Terran said. I swallowed and curled my fingers into fists as I walked through the door.

It was quite plain, with only a table and a chair. A guard stood at the door I'd come from, one from the door on the opposite end of the room.

Hopefully Maple had exited through that door.

A short, plump man sat behind the table, gesturing for me to sit.

I forced a smile as I sat down, the chair creaking terribly as I pulled it forward.

"Good evening, Miss — " He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Calla," I croaked.

"Miss Calla." He nodded. "You are here for work as a servant, no?"

"A maid, yes," I said, clearing my throat.

"I see," he said, "Well, Miss Calla, do you mind answering some questions?"

I shook my head.

He cleared his throat again, and began, "Why have you come to the palace for work?"

"My mother was caught in a rebel attack on the soldiers near our village — " I broke off, looking down, "We couldn't stand to stay there. We sold our house and came here."

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