Chapter 34

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THE room was completely dark. When we entered, flames burst to life on the torches lining the walls.

I noticed Ivy first, her dark hair in a spiky braid, gripping a sword and glaring at me murderously, standing in the middle of the room.

Then I saw Forreston, a crown perfectly placed on his head, standing in the corner to her right.

And there was his father, looking at me from her left corner.

Finally, she spoke. "Elvina."

I lifted the sword slightly. "Ivy." All the venom I could, I poured into that one word.

But she grinned, her stony features lighting up with a dark glee. "How good of you to join us."

I felt my courage drain at that familiar grin.

Behind her, Forreston and Branch made no move as I raised my sword.

"Are you here to kill me?" She said mockingly.

I gritted my teeth, thinking of my dead sisters. "I am."

She only raised a taunting eyebrow. "Are you, now? Let's see how you accomplish that."

Moving like a snake, she swiftly slid her body towards mine, bringing the blade upwards. I parried it, but her blows were strong, rapid — it was all I could do to defend myself.

I could see the others rushing at me, but Ivy waved her hand. A wall of rock shot up in a circle around us, shooting to the roof.

It was just her and me.

She cornered me against a wall, the stones biting into my back.

I clenched my fist, trying to summon water, air anything. Her wall was impenetrable.

"Disappointing," she said, disarming me with a quick move.

This was it.

I tightened my jaw, looking straight into her eyes. I'd never give her the satisfaction of defeating me.

"I see," she said, raising her sword.

I didn't look away.

Not until her sword cut into my side. I crumpled, collapsing on my knees, a hand to the cut, blood already seeping through the dress.

She stalked closer, holding the sword coated with my own blood to my neck. "Still fighting, my weak daughter?"

Weak. Useless. Powerless. Talentless.

I knew everything the elves called me. Why did I let it bother me anymore? Why had I let her get to me?

Then I felt Nalvia's presence. Her shimmering golden light wrapped around me, pulling me away from reality.

It wasn't a vision.

They all stood before me. I stumbled back, looking over all of them. His hair, red as mine. All of them, looking at me with pride and love —

And her.

Her gray-blue eyes lit up. She ran at me at the same time I ran at her.

"Juniper," I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. I whispered her name over and over as she held me tight.

She drew away, smiling gently.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at all of them.

"I am sorry," my father said, his eyes heavy.

"We are so proud of you," Laurel said, giving me a smile.

"There's just a little left," Sylvan said, her green eyes twinkling, like mine.

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