Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes, blinking in the bright light.

I was lying down in a tent, the sides waving in the wind. I tried to sit up and groaned when my stomach flipped. "Careful, El."

I tried again, sitting up finally and looked to the right to see Maple, blinking at me in concern.

The situation was too familiar.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I think so," I managed. Nothing was hurting. I was just tired. "What happened?"

She pressed her lips together. "After you made the fire vanish - you were amazing, El - and the soldiers retreated, we brought you here. The healer had a look at you and said you were fine. The boys are getting healed as well."

"They're hurt?" I asked, my eyes flying wide.

She shook her head quickly. "Nothing severe, but almost everyone was hurt in when they fought the soldiers. Honestly, the boys are fine."

"How - how did they find us?" I asked.

"It was just luck," Maple said, shrugging, "we managed to catch one of the Queen's soldiers - they were on their regular patrol. She's sent several soldiers out in different directions, to find us - they got lucky."

Ivy had incredible luck.

I nodded slowly. "Alright. Let's go see the boys."

"Can you stand?" Maple asked.

I nodded and pushed myself up, swaying on my feet but ultimately staying upright. "Come on," Maple said, handing me a cloak. I pulled it on, glad for the warmth.

We walked slowly, because my head was spinning, and I was dizzy. Finally, we reached another, large tent. In it were rows of cots, elves lying on each one.

I felt nauseous as I took in the injuries. I pulled the hood of the cloak over my face, hiding my signature red hair. I couldn't shake off the guilt - but Ivy wanted to kill these rebels anyhow. This wasn't directly my fault, unlike the first attack.

We finally reached the twins, lying side-by-side.

"Elvina," Aiden grunted, eyes falling on us.

"Hello, Princess," Arden said. I gave him a smile.

"Are you two hurt?" I asked. I couldn't see their injuries, given they were covered with a thin sheet.

Aiden scoffed. "Not at all. They're just keeping us here - "

"To make sure your wound doesn't start bleeding again," Arden said, giving his twin a pointed look.

"Wound?" I echoed, looking at Aiden.

"It's not that bad," Aiden said, "They said I can leave by the end of the day. I'm just enjoying lying here."

The humor didn't get me to laugh as I remembered how Aiden had stumbled over his own feet during the attack. "What happened?"

He exhaled. "Some soldier got in a good cut before I killed him. He attacked from behind while I was fighting someone else, it was unfair."

"Not due to your lack of skill, of course," I said, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded firmly. "Of course."

He seemed fine, the color returning to his face, his gestures animated. "And you?" I asked, turning to Arden.

He lifted a hand, showing me the white bandage wrapped around his forearm. "Just giving my brother company."

"You got injured for him, did you?" Maple asked.

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