Chapter 35

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I opened my eyes, finding myself in Ivy's chambers.

There was no body.

The wall of rock crumbled down around me, crashing to the ground.

Everyone in the room turned to me. Aiden, Arden, Maple. Forreston, Branch.

"Where's Ivy?" Branch yelled.

"Gone." I said simply, gripping my sword.

"You killed her," Forreston breathed.

Their faces changed from shock to outrage as they ran from the corners of the room towards me, pulling out their swords as they came.

I raised my sword — but I didn't have to.

Arden blocked Forreston, Aiden with Branch.

Their sword clanged in furious attacks, while Maple ran to me.

"What happened?" She asked, her eyes running over my mussed hair, the scrapes around me, the blood on my dress.

"I'll kill you!" Forreston bellowed, his eyes turning to me and Maple.

Maple stumbled into me, her eyes wide in horror.

Arden glanced back once, and that was precisely when Forreston struck.

"Watch out!" Maple screamed.

He stumbled back, Forreston's sword barely missing him. Forreston attacked faster, harder, while Arden struggled to regain his footing.

I gritted my teeth, and the rocks from behind me rose to rush at Forreston, who stumbled back, his eyes wide.

"Let me," Arden said, his eyes hard as he glared down at Forreston.

I nodded, stepping back as Forreston rose, brushing himself off. "For mother," he said, swinging at Arden.

On the other side, Aiden was holding off Branch.

But Branch fought like a maniac, his moves wild and harsh. They crept towards us, while Aiden tried us hardest to keep them away.

The boys were good.

But Forreston and Branch were royal-trained.

Forreston feinted. Arden misjudged.

Forreston swung at his feet, sending Arden crashing to the ground. He raised his sword over Arden —

And froze.

Red bloomed at the front of his leathers, the sword poking through each of them.

Maple's face was harsh, her mouth quivering as she let go of the sword, stumbling back.

Forreston crashed to his knees, the sword slipping out of his limp hands. His eyes darted over the room, coming to rest on his father.

He didn't say anything before his shoulders slumped, and he dropped to the floor, his eyes fluttering shut.

I gaped at Maple.

She reached out a hand to Arden, who took it, grimacing at Forreston's body as he stood up. But Maple's eyes stayed fixed on Forreston's corpse.

A primal yell led me to look at the other two.

I turned to see Branch, staring with something beyond horror at the body of his son.

Finally, his eyes lifted from Forreston to me. He glared, and I could see the fire in revenge burning behind those eyes.

His son and lover had died because of me.

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