Chapter 27

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MY eyes fluttered open as I took in the surroundings.

I had been laid on a pallet on the ground, sheltered under a wide tree. It was early morning, the rest of our group — all seven of us — laying down, fast asleep.

I sat up slowly, glancing at the others. White bandages wrapped around them — Terran's leg, Pecan's temple, the white cloth peeking out from under Aiden's shirt. Even around my arm.

I pushed the sheet off me and stood up. The sun was barely out, the birds already chittering in the leaves. I walked to a nearby lake and washed my face before returning to the others.

I sat down on my pallet and leaned my head against the tree. The vision I'd seen...

First, Ivy and Rowan were happy and in love and trying for more children. Then Ivy had turned to Branch — what had happened in that time. She'd mentioned that all the children were girls — was that it?

My eyes turned to the side when Maple started turning in her sleep, muttering intelligibly to herself. Her face was distraught, frightened. I crouched beside her.

"Maple, wake up." I shook her shoulder gently. Her eyes fluttered. "It's just a nightmare, wake up!" I said, shaking her harder. Maple's face twisted once before her eyes shot open and she bolted upright, her head slamming into mine.

"Ow!" I cried, stumbling back. I reached up to my head, grimacing at the sharp pain, before turning to Maple.

"I'm so sorry, El!" She cried, holding her own forehead.

"It's fine," I sighed. Maple looked from side to side before standing up and limping over to me. "Are you hurt?" I asked.

She winced. "A bit. The Guard were well-trained."

"That they were," I said, sighing. "Did you make it through safely?"

Maple nodded. "Remember that village where everyone introduced themselves?" I nodded. "Aster remembered their names, so we used those. We still had to plead a lot to get through — " She stopped and winced at this point, like by plead she meant something else.

"But we made it through. We went to the town and got weapons before coming back. We watched while you tried to cross. When they attacked — "

"You came." I finished, nodding. "What happened after I fainted?"

She sighed. "We ran away and hid here. Everyone was tired, so we just wrapped up the wounds and went straight to sleep."

"They'll be looking for us now," I said. I was sure the Guard knew how I looked — they'd know I was alive and where I was.

"We'll make it," Maple said softly. I only nodded.

The two of us waited for the others to wake up. Terran and Aster were up next, brushing off our concern for their wounds. Soon, Arden and Pecan woke up.

Aiden, of course, remained blissfully asleep.

We ate breakfast, exchanging stories of what had happened.

"So, that's why you were half-naked when we came," Aster murmured, her eyes flitting to the boys.

Pecan and Arden turned bright red. Terran, though, maintained his composure. They'd put on some clothes, at least, once we'd returned.

Maple stifled a laugh, and both Pecan and Arden shot her offended looks.

"I'll wake up Aiden," Arden said, once he'd finished. I watched, pursing my lips, as he shook Aiden hard — getting no response.

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