Chapter 26

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ALL of them, alive and unhurt and swords ready eyes glinting. A fresh wave of courage rocked over me and I stepped forward, the seven of us making a line.

The soldiers split, half rushing to the left and half rushing to the right, flanking us, their main body coming straight at me.

I closed my eyes, feeling the ground for the first time, solid and unmoving and steady.

I sent the ground rippling towards the soldiers in strong waves. I opened my eyes to yells and the soldiers falling, tripping over their own swords and shields.

Maple pressed near me, her sword held upright. I gave her a quick glance before turning to the others. They were enveloped in groups of soldiers — I could just make out faint hints of tan skin and dirty clothes amidst the flashes of silver and light.

And then, through a gap in the soldiers, I saw Arden and Aiden, back-to-back, Aiden's sword flashing and Arden pulling soldiers away with vines.

And then Aiden stumbled and — the leader of the soldiers charged in, his eyes narrowing. And then he swung his sword and cut Aiden's chest —

And then the glade exploded.

I was forced to my knees by the strength of the Forest, as the rocks and grass and soil flew upwards, knocking the soldiers down while leaving us unharmed.

I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the pressing on my lungs to go down, waited until I could breathe.

Then the bits of rock rained down on me slowly and I opened my eyes, pushing myself to my feet.

Soldier bodies laid around us, covered in nasty bruises, the ground ripped and deep under them.

I glanced around, and the others turned to me, their eyes wide and shocked.

"Elvina," Maple breathed, taking a step towards me. My ears rang and I looked around. I had done this.

Aiden glanced around at the other boys, his eyes narrowing. "Why are you half-naked?"

I chuckled slightly but then I looked at them, bleeding from a hundred different places, covered in dirt and grass. I felt the tiredness seeping into my bones, and then the humming of the Forest returned, and most of all the voice of the Forest Spirit —


They were lying down, facing each other, on their bed. Both looked a few years older. They were silent, just looking at each other, until Rowan spoke.

"Ive, do you want to try for...another child?"

Her eyes narrowed in confusion. "Another? We already have three, Row. And they're growing. Olive's almost two already, and Laur's six. You want another?"

She spoke with no judgement, only slight bemusement. Rowan fidgeted, playing with a piece of her long hair. "Ive, we're both only children. I don't want our kids to have that. I want to have a big family, plenty of kids."

She was silent for a while, until she finally said, "Row, three children are already enough. We have three beautiful, perfect little girls. We're already a big family."

He bit his lip. "Ivy, I want to. But...only if you're all right with it."

She was silent for a long time. Then she sighed. "Alright, Row."

He smiled gently and pressed his lips to hers. When he broke away, she was smiling gently at him too. "I love you, King Rowan."

"And I you, Queen Ivy."

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