Chapter 6

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I'D been escorted back to my dungeon by a regular guard, not a Council one. I was sitting on that hard, stone bench, tapping my feet anxiously against the floor.

The sick feeling in my stomach didn't feel like it was going anytime soon.

It was still morning, which meant that Ivy had the whole day to punish me. To me, all it meant was that I had no idea when she would come, and I was kept in suspense.

Which was probably part of her plan. I couldn't stand it. I got up and began pacing back and forth in my small cell, my hands clasped nervously against my stomach.

Footsteps, soft and quick, echoed down the stairs.

I stopped pacing to see Maple running down. "Maple!" I cried in relief as she reached my cell.

"What happened?" She asked breathlessly, putting her hands over mine, through the bars.

"It failed. I failed." I choked.

"Oh, El," she breathed, "What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know." I shook my head. "There's today, and then, tomorrow night, she'll kill me," I said.

"Maybe she won't," Maple suggested, clearly not believing it in the least herself. I only gave her a flat look. Maple sighed, "I can't lose you, Elvina." She lowered her voice, "Should we run?"

"Not a chance. You remember what happened last time."

"I won't let you die. I'll do something — anything." Maple said, and I could see the tears sparkling in her eyes.

"How touching," a smooth voice proclaimed. Maple whirled around, and I looked past her to see Branch, Ivy and Forreston.

My heart dropped to my feet.

Forreston leered at us.

"Do anything? What will you do, maid?" Branch said mockingly.

"Yes, maid, what will you do — especially since you've been helping us?" Ivy said, voice taunting.

My eyes shot to Maple, waiting for her to refute it, to deny it — but she stayed silent. I stumbled back, my eyes growing wide.

Maple had betrayed me.

"El, please, listen — " she started, but I chook my head.

"Were you helping Ivy?"

"I was El, but I had a reason — "

I scoffed, pushing the pain and hurt inside. Ivy would only enjoy it. "Leave, Maple."

"El — "


"You heard what the Princess said. Take her away." At Ivy's command, two guards came up and grabbed Maple's arms, but she wrenched away, running up and grabbing the bars of my cell.

"I didn't betray Juniper, I didn't breathe a word of your plan — "

The guards regained their grip on her and I watched as she was dragged away, sobbing, her eyes pleading and guilty.

I didn't know what to believe. Was she telling the truth about not betraying Juniper?

I turned my attention back to the other three, their faces smug. I willed my own face into a neutral mask as Branch unlocked the cell, so Ivy could walk in.

"You ungrateful little —" It appeared she couldn't find a word strong enough for me. She held up her hand and I flinched away, but her blow caught me across the face, and I staggered back to the wall.

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