Chapter 15

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HIS expression turned serious, and he raised his head to look around. I caught the bright gleam of silver from between the leaves — the silver of a palace guard.

I knew Aiden had seen it, too. He shut his eyes tightly, grabbing my hand. I watched as he opened them slowly, turning to me. "I've put a shield of air around us, but I don't know how long it will last. Don't let go of my hand. And run!"

We bolted, the leaves and branches turning into a blur as we ran. We went faster at the sound of heavy boots behind us. But I thought we would escape, when —

A large wall of dirt rose up. We slammed into it. I fell to the ground, my hand ripped away from Aiden's, my head pounding. The fall had expelled all the air from my lungs. I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

I opened my eyes. The trees were spinning, fractured. I blinked several times until I could see clearly. I pushed myself up, stumbling as my feet straightened. My hand fumbled around until it found Aiden's.

His fingers wrapped around mine and squeezed once, as if trying to reassure me. But I looked at his face. He was just as worried as I was. I drew closer to him as we waited.

Her shape emerged from the trees, long hair whipping in the wind. Another five soldiers revealed themselves from the trees around us.

We were surrounded.

I tensed at her high cackles. "What are you doing here?" I shouted. My heart was racing at the sight of her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why, Elvina, I'm glad to see you looking so well. They've been taking care of you, hmm?"

I tried to hide the tremble of my lips, my chin. Aiden's hand tightened on mine.

Ivy sighed. "Daughter, you know what I'm here for, don't you?"

My entire body began to shake as the soldiers stepped closer, making the circle around us smaller. "Don't do this," I said, trying to sound confident.

"Oh no, darling. I will finish what I started. I will wipe all the traces away. And you're the last piece."

What did she mean by that?

"Leave her alone!" Aiden said suddenly, tone hard.

Her eyes shot to him, and they narrowed. "Ah, is this his son?" Then they fell to our entwined hands. Her lips parted slightly. "How interesting."

Aiden and I traded confused glances.

"I learnt something from your father, boy." She gave him a long glance. My heart sank. I knew that look.

With a flick of her hand, branches from the trees stretched out and grabbed him, tearing his hand away from mine and pulling him next to Ivy.

His eyes widened as he tried to shout something through the branches over his mouth.

I felt strong hands grip my arms.

"Stop!" Aiden yelled, finally breaking through his gag, the branches ripping away.

Ivy glanced between us, lips pursed.

I was shoved to the ground by one of her soldiers. I groaned from the ground, not having enough strength to get up again.

"Why are you doing this?" Aiden shouted.

Ivy's eyes darkened. "I have my reasons." The lackey kicked me once for good measure, and walked back to his position among the trees, leaving Ivy, Aiden and I in the middle of the circle. I put a hand to my ribs, knowing there would be a bruise.

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