Chapter 1

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HAIR red as fire. Eyes green as leaf. Skin pale as snow. Lips red as blood. Lashes black as crows. Beauty.

I knew everything the people called me. But I also knew about words hardly anyone dared use in front of me.

A sudden migraine spiraled through my head. Not so strong. But still, it made me grimace and collapse into my nearby plush green armchair. All for show, of course. My real room was somewhere else.

Just as I controlled the migraine, she bustled in. Hair long, till her waist, and dark as night. Her eyes, green as mine widened in false concern. She was wearing a long, elegant red gown, dark as blood. How fitting, with the blood of seven — almost eight — girls on her hands. On her forehead sat the silver circlet, identifying her as the Queen she was.

"Elvina. How is my weak daughter?"

Weak. Useless. Powerless. Talentless.

Words that hardly anyone dared use in front of me. But three people could.

I wished name-calling was the only thing they could do to me.

"I'm fine, Queen Ivy. Any reason why you came?" I stood up, hiding my grimace. Of course, it didn't fool her. But no matter.

"Your attendants have come, for the ceremony," she said coldly, her eyes flitting across my body with the disapproval they always held while looking at me.

I managed to nod.

She swept out of the room, leaving ten women to come in.

"Come, Princess," the leader, said. They were on my mother's side, like so many others. She would allow me no allies here. The last two years of my life had been so lonely, with only Maple. Ever since Juniper died.


Ever since she was murdered.

Silently, the women forced me down on a chair and proceeded to do my hair, dress me in a velvet green gown, put pink pollen on my cheeks, apply raspberry juice on my lips, and outline my large eyes with black dye.

"You're ready, Princess," the leader said, as the attendants bowed out. I sighed, both glad and unhappy to be left alone.

I stood, walking to the large, ornate mirror that hung nearby. I didn't understand why elves called me such an uncommon beauty. Perhaps I was pretty, but not so very much.

I touched a hand to the mirror and felt its smooth, cold glass. The girl in the mirror was real- and yet only a reflection. I wished I could enjoy this life.

There were perks to being royal. If only one could enjoy said perks without the threat of one's imminent demise hovering over one's head.

Not the rebels. I was talking of my mother.

I left the mirror as yet another migraine spiraled through. This one was stronger. I hated having these headaches. They made me weak. As if being powerless wasn't enough.

As I held my head in pain, the door flew open again. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. There was only one person it could be at this time.

"Elvina! Are you alright?" Maple's concerned voice reached me, and I looked up to nod at a girl walking through the door. Her honey-colored hair was tied up in a sharp bun, and she was wearing the typical maid's uniform — she'd obviously just left her duties to come meet me.

"I'm fine," I said, through gritted teeth.

"Another headache?" She asked, concern written in her delicate features.

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