Chapter 13

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IT was becoming dark as we came into sight of a large lake, with an even thinner canopy above it. I suddenly realized I was caked in dirt and sweat. "Thank Nalvia, I need to take a bath," I sighed.

I was getting used to being clean daily, thanks to Birch and Grove's hospitality. I could feel the grime between my toes, in my hair. Even my clothes were stained with dirt.

Aiden looked at me with an eyebrow raised.


"Alright," he said, chuckling.

I gave him a pointed look.

He rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to be looking for somewhere we can stay in the night. Don't take too long."

Once his broad form had disappeared among the trees, I pulled off my clothes, and stepped in, washing myself off. I stepped behind a rock as I dried off and pulled on my dirty shirt and pants again. I was paranoid though no one was there.

"Aiden?" I called out, striding in the direction he'd walked in. The Forest was silent around me. He couldn't have gone too far. "Aiden!" I yelled, turning around.

A drop landed on my head.

I looked up slowly, taking in the stormy, gray clouds above me. As I stood there, more raindrops broke through the leaves. I blinked quickly as some of them fell in my eyes, but I couldn't look away.

My sisters had described how rain was, an endless downpour of water, but I'd never fully understood how beautiful it was. The water sliding down my face, the chill nipping at my skin, the leaves turning dark.

I took in a breath, letting the drops fall into my mouth. I was soaked and cold, but I understood why my sisters had missed the rain so much. It was incredible.


I looked to the side. Aiden was standing between the trees, but they weren't doing much to shield him from the storm. He gestured with his hand, and I ran over.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyes wide.

I smiled. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I turned back, closing my eyes, and just feeling.

There was a pause, before Aiden said, "It is." I turned back to find him looking at the sky, something akin to awe in his eyes. "I guess I just never looked at it like that." He blinked, looking down at me. "We're going to freeze if we stay out here. I found a cave where we can spend the night."

I nodded, and he gripped my hand before pulling me behind him. The rain was coming down faster, harder, so much that I could barely see Aiden. I couldn't stop grinning, though.

I could just make out a large shape in the distance, and as Aiden led me closer, I could see the stone cave, nestled in the trees. He pulled me in, and the howling wind somewhat quietened. He dropped the wet bag and pulled out another towel. I was holding the one I'd used, but it was soaked.

He tossed it to me. "Get dry." It was damp, but I could use it. I glanced at him. He was shivering slightly, the tips of his ears pale.

"What about you?"

"I'll wait."

I wiped the cold rain off my hands and body as fast as I could and threw it to him. Not that it had much effect, because my clothes were drenched, and I could feel the wind even in the small cave.

He pulled out clothes from the bag — a shirt, a jacket, pants. He glanced at me, eyes running down my body. He held out the shirt and jacket. "Here."

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